Conway's Multiplayer Game of Life
Conway's Multiplayer Game of Life (Conway) is a real-time, persistent, multiplayer version of Conway's Game of Life.
You can find a live version on
Run grunt development
or just grunt
to set up the development environment. This will move the shared core files to the client/server directories and start an Express server.
$ grunt development
$ node app
Conway started: 3000 (development)
Run grunt production
to set up the production environment. This will minify/concatenate the Javascript/CSS.
If your NODE_ENV environment variable is set to production, Conway will run in production. I'm using NginX to serve static assets, so Express does not serve the public folder in production.
$ grunt production
$ NODE_ENV=production node app
Conway started: 3000 (production)
- The method names need to be alphabetized.
- An underscore prefix is currently used to denote methods which may be accessed outside of each module. Some non-prefixed methods should be prefixed, and vice-versa.
- I'm using RequireJS on the server. This was a decision that made sharing the /core files easier, but there must be a better way of sharing these files that lets me use CommonJS on the server and RequireJS on the client.