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  • Created about 9 years ago
  • Updated 3 months ago


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Repository Details

πŸ“– documentation for modern JavaScript

The documentation system for modern JavaScript

Circle CI npm version Gitter Inline docs

πŸ“… Current maintenance status

  • Supports modern JavaScript: ES5, ES2017, JSX, Vue and Flow type annotations.
  • Infers parameters, types, membership, and more. Write less documentation: let the computer write it for you.
  • Integrates with GitHub to link directly from documentation to the code it refers to.
  • Customizable output: HTML, JSON, Markdown, and more



User Guide

Globally install documentation using the npm package manager:

$ npm install -g documentation

This installs a command called documentation in your path, that you can point at JSDoc-annotated source code to generate human-readable documentation. First, run documentation with the --help option for help:


# generate markdown docs for index.js and files it references
documentation build index.js -f md

# generate html docs for all files in src, and include links to source files in github
documentation build src/** -f html --github -o docs

# document index.js, ignoring any files it requires or imports
documentation build index.js -f md --shallow

# validate JSDoc syntax in util.js
documentation lint util.js

# update the API section of README.md with docs from index.js
documentation readme index.js --section=API

# build docs for all values exported by index.js
documentation build --document-exported index.js

# build html docs for a TypeScript project
documentation build index.ts --parse-extension ts -f html -o docs

  build [input..]   build documentation
  lint [input..]    check for common style and uniformity mistakes
  readme [input..]  inject documentation into your README.md

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]

We have plenty of issues that we'd love help with.

  • Robust and complete JSDoc support, including typedefs.
  • Strong support for HTML and Markdown output
  • Documentation coverage, statistics, and validation

documentation is an OPEN Open Source Project. This means that:

Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is more like an open wiki than a standard guarded open source project.