Api go simple
It is a just simple RESTful API with Go using:
- Gin Framework
- Gorm
Installation & Run
# Download this project
$ go get github.com/dedidot/gorm-gin
# Download Gin Framework
$ go get github.com/gin-gonic/gin
# Download GORM
$ go get github.com/jinzhu/gorm
Setting DB in main.go
Config.DB, err = gorm.Open("mysql", "DBUSERNAME:DBPASSWORD@tcp(")
├── Models
│ ├── Book.go // Book models
| ├── Scheme.go // Book struct and tabel
├── Config
│ └── Database.go // Global DB
├── Controllers
│ └── Book.go // Book Controller
├── ApiHelpers
│ └── Response.go // response function
├── Routers
| └── Routers.go // Routers
└── main.go
: Get all bookPOST
: Create a new book
: Get a bookPUT
: Update a bookDELETE
: Delete a book
#Post Params
"author": "Op Super John Doe Bilw",
"name": "Implementation Golang",
"category": "Knowledge"