RAVEN Open Source Software (OSS) Community Project
RAVEN (Realtime Assistant Voice Enabled Network) OSS community edition.
Overview & Intro
RAVEN is meant to be a digital assistant and artificial cognitive entity. The goal is to create an autonomous artificial intelligence that is reliable, trustworthy, and useful. Here are some of the top priorities for RAVEN:
- Voice-enabled assistant
- Extensible capabilities (plug and play cognitive architecture)
- Fully autonomous (can think and make decisions independently)
- Long-term memory and continuous learning
Latest News
- Please see the updated announcement here: #52
- This covers forming a legal entity, establishing governance, and funding
Primary Pages
Please read the draft Code of Conduct.
There is also a Contributors Guide draft that will eventually be merged with the Code of Conduct.
We are still in the Forming phase. Please be patient - the RAVEN project was launched February 2, 2023 (so it's brand new)
Get Started with Development
The development branching strategy is located here in the Wiki.
Clone this repository using your favorite tool(s).
Checkout the desired branch to work on. In this example 1.0.0-dev
git checkout 1.0.0-dev
Create a Python virtual environment with tools of your choice using the environment.yml file in the root of the project.
Activate the new environment according to instructions in the terminal window.
The microservices are in the services/microservices directory.
Documentation Development
Documentation is written in markdown files in the docs directory.
You can learn more about the Markdown syntax here
MkDocs is installed in the virtual environment, so you can run a live server for previewing the docs in your browser:
mkdocs serve