• Stars
  • Rank 123,364 (Top 3 %)
  • Language
  • License
    Apache License 2.0
  • Created over 8 years ago
  • Updated 2 months ago


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Repository Details

😎 Yeoman generator for GitHub awesome lists


Yeoman generator for GitHub awesome lists 😎

build npm version license


npm install -g yo generator-awesome-list
yo awesome-list

Using Docker

Build the Docker image

docker build . -t generator-awesome-list

Create and run the container based on above image

The following does the same as the non-container command yo awesome-list.

docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/app  generator-awesome-list

What's included?

This stuff is heavily stolen from Sindre Sorhus's lists.

  • readme.md skeleton
  • contributing.md skeleton
  • code-of-conduct.md based on Contributor Covenant
  • a simple .gitattributes to make contributing easier

Screenshot of generator running