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Example of a Google Sheets CMS

Google Sheets CMS

Example of a blog powered by Google Sheets, Google Forms and Google Apps Scripts. New posts are added via a Google Forms interface and stored in a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Google Apps Script is used to create an API to make the content accessible in an easy to use format. The blog is designed as a single page application with pagination and category filtering.

Blog screenshot

Google Apps Script API

Google Apps Script is a platform to extend Googleโ€™s G Suite of online products through a scripting language derived from JavaScript. Itโ€™s analogous to VBA, which is built into the majority of Microsoft Office products. To get started with Google Apps Script you can access the online editor by going to Tools > Script Editor in the menu bar from a Google Sheets spreadsheet. A script can then be made publicly available by going to Publish > Deploy as webapp from the script editor menu bar. Ensure the app is being executed as me and that anyone, even anonymous has access.

var API_KEY = '';

function doGet(e) {
  if (!isAuthorized(e)) {
    return buildErrorResponse('not authorized');
  var options = {
    page: getPageParam(e),
    category: getCategoryParam(e)
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SPREADSHEET_ID);
  var worksheet = spreadsheet.getSheets()[0];
  var rows = worksheet.getDataRange().sort({column: 2, ascending: false}).getValues();

  var headings = rows[0].map(String.toLowerCase);
  var posts = rows.slice(1);
  var postsWithHeadings = addHeadings(posts, headings);
  var postsPublic = removeDrafts(postsWithHeadings);
  var postsFiltered = filter(postsPublic, options.category);
  var paginated = paginate(postsFiltered, options.page);
  return buildSuccessResponse(paginated.posts, paginated.pages);

function addHeadings(posts, headings) {
  return posts.map(function(postAsArray) {
    var postAsObj = {};
    headings.forEach(function(heading, i) {
      postAsObj[heading] = postAsArray[i];
    return postAsObj;

function removeDrafts(posts, category) {
  return posts.filter(function(post) {
    return post['published'] === true;

function filter(posts, category) {
  return posts.filter(function(post) {
    if (category !== null) {
      return post['category'].toLowerCase() === category.toLowerCase();
    } else {
      return true;

function paginate(posts, page) {
  var postsCopy = posts.slice();
  var postsChunked = [];
  var postsPaginated = {
    posts: [],
    pages: {
      previous: null,
      next: null
  while (postsCopy.length > 0) {
    postsChunked.push(postsCopy.splice(0, RESULTS_PER_PAGE));
  if (page - 1 in postsChunked) {
    postsPaginated.posts = postsChunked[page - 1];
  } else {
    postsPaginated.posts = [];

  if (page > 1 && page <= postsChunked.length) {
    postsPaginated.pages.previous = page - 1;
  if (page >= 1 && page < postsChunked.length) {
    postsPaginated.pages.next = page + 1;
  return postsPaginated;

function isAuthorized(e) {
  return 'key' in e.parameters && e.parameters.key[0] === API_KEY;

function getPageParam(e) {
  if ('page' in e.parameters) {
    var page = parseInt(e.parameters['page'][0]);
    if (!isNaN(page) && page > 0) {
      return page;
  return 1

function getCategoryParam(e) {
  if ('category' in e.parameters) {
    return e.parameters['category'][0];
  return null

function buildSuccessResponse(posts, pages) {
  var output = JSON.stringify({
    status: 'success',
    data: posts,
    pages: pages
  return ContentService.createTextOutput(output).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON);

function buildErrorResponse(message) {
  var output = JSON.stringify({
    status: 'error',
    message: message
  return ContentService.createTextOutput(output).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON);