A command-line git client powered by js-git and node.js
> npm install -g jsgit
> jsgit
Usage: jsgit [options] [command]
ls-remote <url> List remote refs
fetch <url> Clone or fetch updates from remote
log Show local history
export <target> Export tree at HEAD as real files to target
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
> jsgit fetch
Usage: jsgit-fetch [options] [--] <url> [<dir>]
-h, --help output usage information
--ref <branch/tag/ref> checkout to specefic branch, tag, or ref
--depth <num> do a shallow clone with num commits deep
-q Be quiet; don't show progress
> jsgit fetch git://github.com/creationix/conquest.git
Cloning git://github.com/creationix/conquest.git to conquest.git..
Counting objects: 79, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (47/47), done.
Total 79 (delta 27), reused 78 (delta 26)
Receiving objects: 100% (79/79)
> cd conquest.git/
> jsgit log --tree
commit 39a63c86fed320e06c84af7cf311c38f4395ff00
Author: Tim Caswell <[email protected]>
Date: Mon May 27 2013 23:00:53 GMT-0500 (CDT)
Add circle icon for web store
d18604c02d4df748cf06acb6abaf2064bd104296 /
38f211d3325f524b74ef076c3569a57b92dbda57 /.gitignore
461a5bdb83746a7e3f8449bc009574b92f6e6dd0 /README.markdown
8a48e7ace978047bfff982a4e2aca2f502acaa71 /appinfo.json
b3f8efa73bfac690b386a7f92c9d54eb6b40f359 /art/
bfb6fa0366ea59ca843dc9d3844aaf7643263bb4 /art/blue-city.png
be214fdaf6198c06a9e3466b0809aa000833677b /art/brown-city.png
d617c591eb9ed1f54c3c2f05104a7892b724e7b7 /art/green-city.png
b68f6e5ddf596b547e384cd835d41363878c7328 /art/orange-city.png
95aa7ef53aed85e7a5ad01057b6c596b31a5a3c3 /art/purple-city.png
cdb284aaf2b4cdc36c18bee25029fd0d1f8fffeb /art/red-city.png
d06cb71c7089788493146cbd14b8abe87a14e48f /art/sprites.png
66efaa250e2f00e4292958d268004e7b9e62ec72 /art/style.css
18c9b8b91046d12cfe5fd781482fcb4ede51c472 /art/yellow-city.png
8b017f72578016c876de8e95265af2657b6a400c /background.js
28555e7055d7fa6184865bd3bab090621cf14cc5 /client.js
ad157cf510e280ccfb7af63955c5a9eb5a4dfd53 /icons/
If something goes wrong, file an issue. If the issue has to do with command-line option parsing, file it here, but it it's an issue with actual features (like a failed clone), file it against the main js-git repo.
Please include what version of node you're using, what OS, and debug trace output by using the TRACE=1
> TRACE=1 jsgit fetch git://github.com/creationix/conquest.git