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📕▶️🎓 Ruby on Rails 6: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2020. Online learning platform (aka Udemy clone)shoplify
Advanced Ruby on Rails + Stripe API integration. Add Products to shopping cart and Checkout with Stripe [2021 updated]63-hotwire-modals
Ruby on Rails #63 Hotwire Modals (the right way)20-active_storage
Ruby on Rails #20 ActiveStorage - attach avatar, attach imagessaasblog
Ruby on Rails SaaS blog with Stripe. Active Subscribers can view premium posts. User can select Plan and subscribe. User can manage subscription via Stripe Billing Portal.59-turbo-streams-crud
Ruby on Rails #59 Hotwire Turbo Streams CRUD119-trello-drag-drop-save
Ruby on Rails #119 Trello Clone. Advanced Drag and Drop Sortable Lists with HotwirecollegeCRM
📘💎School Lesson and Attendance Tracking App MVP74-rails7-devise
Ruby on Rails #74 Make Devise work with Rails 7 and Turbo108-geolocation-api
Ruby on Rails #108 How to use the Browser Geolocation API with Rails02-03-04-telegrails
RoR + Telegram API94-slim-select
Ruby on Rails #94 Rails 7 Select Box with Search using Slim-Select40-devise-everything
Episodes 40,41,42,43 Devise invitable, confirmable, lockable, trackable138-tailwind-layout
TailwindCSS on Rails 01: Responsive layout with sidebar68-frames-infinite-pagination
Ruby on Rails #68 Frames: Infinite Scroll Paginationrails-7-stripe-subscriptions
Freemium content, Stripe Subscriptions, Checkout, Billing dashboard87-stimulus-select-all
Ruby on Rails #87 StimulusJS select all checkboxes55-subdomain-multitenancy
Ruby on Rails #55 Subdomain Multitenancy with Ernest Addae95-hashtags-mentions
Ruby on Rails #95 parse text and convert hashtags and mentions into links29-omniauth
Ruby on Rails #29 Action Mailer: Amazon SES - Simple Email Service for productiontodo-turbo-broadcasts
boilerplate rails 7 with working devise for future screencasts80-turbo-dynamic-forms
Ruby on Rails #80 Dynamic Forms with Turbo (not JS approach)131-api-documenation
Ruby on Rails #131 API documentation with OpenAPI and Swagger UI88-csv-import
Ruby on Rails #88 Import CSV and parse it within a Rails app115-multitenancy-routes-rows
Ruby on Rails #115 Multitenancy without a gem52-friendly-id
Ruby on Rails #52 gem Friendly ID: The Complete guide. Generate readable URLs like a PRO48-gem-rolify
Ruby on Rails #48 Gem Rolify for assigning user roles - Complete Guide125-test-devise-authentication
Ruby on Rails #125 Test Devise authentication with Controller and System tests85-http-authorization
Ruby on Rails #85 HTTP Authorization in Production39-devise-basics
Ruby on Rails #39 Devise Authentication from ZERO49-gem-pundit
Ruby on Rails #49 gem Pundit for Authorization - Complete Guide64-cloud9-rails-7
Ruby on Rails #64 Cloud9 IDE - Rails 7, Github SSH, Heroku86-edit-multiple
Ruby on Rails #86 Bulk Actions, Edit Multiple Selected Records56-qrcode-barcode-serviceobject
Ruby on Rails #56 Generate QR codes, Barcodes, use ServiceObjects128-faraday-api-crud
Rails CRUD API requests with Faraday135-youtube-api
Export videos from ANY Youtube channel using Youtube API190-trezy-classifier
Ruby on Rails #89 export to CSV (different approaches)67-streams-infinite-pagination
Ruby on Rails #67 Streams: Infinite Scroll Pagination60-turbo-autocomplete-search
Ruby on Rails #60 Hotwire Turbo Streams Autocomplete Search134-daterangepicker-rails
Ruby on Rails #121 Turbo Broadcasts CRUD Demystified37-bootstrap5
Ruby on Rails #37 Install Bootstrap 5 with Rails 6, Yarn and Webpacker65-hotwire-flash
Ruby on Rails #65 Hotwire SPA: Flash Messages19-pagy
Ruby on Rails #19 Gem Pagy - Ultimate Guide to the best pagination gem132-api-request-tracking-limiting
Ruby on Rails #97 PASSWORDLESS login with MAGIC LINK83-rails-svg
Ruby on Rails #83 import and use SVG in Rails. gem inline_svg110-live-users-count
Ruby on Rails #110 Realtime Online User Tracking with Actioncable, Kredis, Turbo Broadcasts98-hotwire-inline-edit-attributes
Ruby on Rails #98 Hotwire: Edit attributes inline!81-stimulus-conditional-fields
Ruby on Rails #81 StimulusJS: Conditionally display form fields based on selected value127-curl-with-rails
Rails CRUD API requests with cURL118-dark-mode
Ruby on Rails #118 Dark mode. Toggle inside your app or use OS default prefered color scheme106-gem-geocoder
Ruby on Rails #106 How to use gem Geocoder, GPS coordinates, distance calculation, map markers120-active-record-encryption
Ruby on Rails #120 Active Record Encryption usage and troubleshooting46-invisible_captcha
Ruby on Rails #46 gem invisible_captcha - pure Ruby reCaptcha alternative. No more bots in your app!116-custom-error-pages
Ruby on Rails #116 Custom error pages (404 Not found and 500 Internal server error)109-live-visitor-count-action-cable-kredis-turbo
Ruby on Rails #109 Live vistor count. ActionCable, Turbo Broadcasts, Kredis133-api-pagination
Ruby on Rails #143 Turbo Permanent: persist Audio Video and Search results while navigating pagesLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us