Awesome Rofi
A curated list of awesome rofi (and dmenu) applications.
Bluetooth Management
- rofi-bluetooth - A script that generates a rofi menu that uses bluetoothctl to connect to bluetooth devices and display status info.
- clipmenu
- greenclip
- rofi-copyq - Search copyq clipboard history
Password Management
- QuicKeepass - Efficiently autotype your password from keepass on i3 using rofi
- rofi-pass - Frontend for Pass
- rofi-1pass - Copy passwords from your 1Password vaults
- rofi-lpass - Copy passwords from your LastPass vaults
- Applets & menus - Comprehensive collection of themeable applets, menus, launchers and sidemenus built with rofi
- buku_run - rofi frontend for buku bookmarks manager
- clerk - MPD client
- i3-switch-workspaces - Switch workspaces by name
- networkmanager-dmenu - Manage NetworkManager connections
- rofi-code - Use rofi to quickly open VSCode or Codium workspaces
- rofi-files - Quickly open files and folders
- rofi-power - Perform systemd based power management
- rofi-power-menu - Mode for systemd-based power management
- rofi-script-to-dmenu - Run rofi scripts with dmenu (or in rofi dmenu mode)
- rofi-systemd - control systemd services
- rofi-themes
- teiler - Screenshot and screencast tool
- udiskie-dmenu - udiskie frontend for managing removable media