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Rouster.is_a?('abstraction layer for controlling Vagrant virtual machines') => true


build status Gem Version

Rouster.is_a?('abstraction layer for controlling Vagrant virtual machines')
=> true

Rouster was conceived as the missing piece needed to functionally test Puppet manifests: while RSpec is nice (and much faster), compiling a catalog and applying it are 2 distinct operations.

app = Rouster.new(:name => 'app' )

p app.run('/sbin/service puppet once -t', 2)
# or p app.run_puppet('master', { :expected_exitcode => 2}), if you've required 'rouster/puppet'


The first implementation of Rouster was in Perl, called Salesforce::Vagrant. Salesforce::Vagrant is functional, but new functionality may or may not be ported back.


  • Ruby, version 2.1+
  • Vagrant, version 1.0.5+
  • Gems
    • json
    • log4r
    • net-scp
    • net-ssh
    • fog (only if using AWS or OpenStack)

Note: Rouster should work exactly the same on Windows as it does on *nix and OSX (minus rouster/deltas.rb functionality, at least currently), but no real testing has been done to confirm this. Please file issues as appropriate.

From-source local usage (latest)

git clone https://github.com/chorankates/rouster.git
cd rouster
bundle install # use :aws to pull in fog
irb(main):001:0> require './path_helper.rb'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require 'rouster'
=> true

From-source installation (latest)

git clone https://github.com/chorankates/rouster.git
cd rouster
rake buildgem
gem install rouster-<version>.gem
irb(main):001:0> require 'rouster'
=> true

pre-built gem installation (stable)

gem install rouster

Using Rouster

Rouster supports many of the vagrant faces:

  • destroy()
  • suspend()
  • status()
  • up()

All Rouster workers also support:

  • get()
  • put()
  • rebuild()
  • restart()
  • run()

And depending on which pieces of rouster you 'require':

  • rouster/deltas

    • get_groups()
    • get_packages()
    • get_ports()
    • get_services()
    • get_users()
  • rouster/puppet

    • facter()
    • get_catalog()
    • get_puppet_errors()
    • get_puppet_notices()
    • parse_catalog()
    • remove_existing_certs()
    • run_puppet()
  • rouster/testing

    • validate_file()
    • validate_group()
    • validate_package()
    • validate_service()
    • validate_user()
  • rouster/tests

    • is_dir?()
    • is_executable?()
    • is_file?()
    • is_group?()
    • is_in_file?()
    • is_in_path?()
    • is_package?()
    • is_port_active?()
    • is_port_open?()
    • is_process_running?())
    • is_readable?()
    • is_service?()
    • is_service_running?()
    • is_user?()
    • is_user_in_group?()
    • is_writeable?()

These additional methods are added to the Rouster object via class extension.

basic instantiation and usage

require 'rouster'

# the value for the 'name' attribute should be a name shown when you execute `vagrant status`
app = Rouster.new(:name => 'app')

# equivalent to `vagrant up app`

# STD(OUT|ERR) of this is available in app.get_output()
app.run('cat /etc/hosts')
app.put('new-foo', '/tmp/foo')


advanced instantiation (passthroughs!)

detailed options in examples/passthrough.rb, examples/aws.rb and examples/openstack.rb

since Rouster only requires an SSH connection to control a machine, why stop at Vagrant?

require 'rouster'
require 'rouster/plugins/aws'
require 'rouster/plugins/openstack'

# control the machine rouster itself is running on
local = Rouster.new(:name => 'local', :passthrough => { :type => :local } }

# control a remote machine
remote = Rouster.new(
  :name => 'remote',
  :passthrough => {
    :type => :remote,
    :host => 'foo.bar.com',
    :user => 'keanu',
    :key  => '/path/to/private/key',

  :sudo => true, # false by default, enabling requires that sshd is not enforcing 'requiretty'

# control a running EC2 instance
aws_already_running = Rouster.new(
  :name => 'cloudy',
  :passthrough => {
    :type     => :aws,
    :instance => 'your-instance-id',
    :keypair  => 'your-keypair-name',

# start and control an EC2 instance
aws_start_me_up = Rouster.new(
  :name        => 'bgates',
  :passthrough => {
    :type            => :aws,
    :ami             => 'your-ami-id',
    :security_groups => 'your-security-groups',
    :key_id          => 'your-aws-key-id',     # defaults to ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}
    :secret_key      => 'your-aws-secret-key', # defaults to ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}

# create a remote OpenStack instance
ostack = Rouster.new(
  :name      => 'ostack-testing',
  :passthrough => {
    :type                => :openstack,
    :openstack_auth_url  => 'http://hostname.domain.com:5000/v2.0/tokens',
    :openstack_username  => 'some_console_user',
    :openstack_tenant    => 'tenant_id',
    :user                => 'some_ssh_userid', 
    :keypair             => 'keypair_name',
    :image_ref           => 'c0340afb-577d-4db6-1234-aebdd6d1838f',
    :flavor_ref          => '547d9af5-096c-44a3-1234-7d23162556b8',
    :openstack_api_key   => 'some_api_key',
    :key                 => '/path/to/private/key.pem',
  :sudo => true, # false by default, enabling requires that sshd is not enforcing 'requiretty'

# control a running OpenStack instance
openstack_already_running = Rouster.new(
  :name      => 'ostack-copy',
  :passthrough => {
    :type                => :openstack,
    :openstack_auth_url  => 'http://hostname.domain.com:5000/v2.0/tokens',
    :openstack_username  => 'some_console_user',
    :openstack_tenant    => 'tenant_id',
    :user                => 'ssh_user',
    :keypair             => 'keypair_name',
    :instance            => 'your-instance-id',

functional puppet test

require 'rouster'
require 'rouster/puppet'
require 'test/unit'

class TestPuppetRun < Test::Unit::TestCase

  def setup
    @ppm = Rouster.new(:name => 'ppm', :verbose => 4)
    @app = Rouster.new(:name => 'app')

  def test_it

    workers = [@ppm, @app]

    workers.each do |w|
      # tear them down and build back up for clean run

      #res = w.run('puppet agent -t --environment development', 2)
      assert_raises_nothing do
        res = w.run_puppet('master', { :expected_exitcode => 2 })
      assert_match(/Finished catalog/, res, "output contains 'Finished catalog'")

  def teardown


Base Methods

irb(main):001:0> require './path_helper.rb'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require 'rouster'
=> true
irb(main):003:0> pp (Rouster.new(:name => 'app').methods - Object.methods).sort
=> [

AWS methods

irb(main):001:0> require './path_helper.rb'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require 'rouster'
=> true
irb(main):003:0> require 'rouster/plugins/aws'
=> true
irb(main):004:0> pp (Rouster.new(:name => 'aws', :passthrough => { :type => :aws }).methods - Object.methods).sort
=> [

Openstack methods
