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  • Created about 13 years ago
  • Updated 4 months ago


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Repository Details

Personal config and stuff

These are configuration and script files for my personal use.

Altough general, it is highly focused on Rails development. This involve mainly

  • VIM as editor
  • git as SCM
  • RVM for ruby
  • ZSH for shell and Oh My ZSH as default settings

A deploy.sh script will symlink configurations, hooks and install RVM and Oh My ZSH. It is very simple, just check its source code.


These are sort of mandatory steps:

  1. Install dependencies

    sudo apt-get install wget curl command-not-found vim
  2. Run deploy.sh

  3. Change ~/.gitconfig with your name/email and commit changes

There are also some extra things you may like:

  1. ack-grep is used as the grep command in VIM. Just install ack-grep package

  2. Change to ZSH and OhMyZSH: sudo apt-get install zsh and chsh -s /bin/zsh (also check your terminal emulator - Konsole, Gnome Termimal, etc)

  3. sshsudo depends on sshpass package

  4. VIM support of X clipboard depends on vim-gnome package

  5. git-new-workdir is aliased to /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/workdir/git-new-workdir. So to use it run:

    sudo chmod +x /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/workdir/git-new-workdir

Perl development

  1. Install cpanminus with curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus


Submodules problem

Your submodule can't be updated: the easiest fix is to remove and get it again

MODULE=configs/.vim rm -fr $MODULE && rm -fr .git/modules/$MODULE; g smuir
