Utility script to profile (n)vim (e.g. startup). For now, only startup time w.r.t. plugins is analyzed. The plugin directory is automatically found.
The script is inspired from vim-plugins-profile, but only depends on Python. It supports the following features:
- run any vim/neovim command,
- detect the plugin directory automatically,
- handle GUI versions,
- compute the average time/standard deviation over multiple runs,
- export the result to a CSV file,
- plot a bar chart.
- Python 2 or Python 3,
- vim or neovim.
- Matplotlib (for bar plot)
To list the available options:
$ -h
usage: [-h] [-o CSV] [-p] [-s] [-n N] [-r RUNS] ...
Analyze startup times of vim/neovim plugins.
positional arguments:
cmd vim/neovim executable or command
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o CSV Export result to a csv file
-p Plot result as a bar chart
-s Consider system plugins as well (marked with *)
-n N Number of plugins to list in the summary
-r RUNS Number of runs (for average/standard deviation)
The text summary looks like this:
$ nvim
Running nvim to generate startup logs... done.
Loading and processing logs... done.
Plugin directory: /home/user/.config/nvim/plugged
Top 10 plugins slowing nvim's startup
1 4.559 vim-fugitive
2 4.162 tcomment_vim
3 3.936 vim-hybrid
4 2.922 lightline.vim
5 1.551 supertab
6 1.522 vim-sneak
7 1.100 ultisnips
8 0.929 fzf.vim
9 0.916 fzf
10 0.877 vim-surround
As for the plot (using Matplotlib):
$ -p -r 10 nvim
Top 10 plugins slowing nvim's startup
1 3.326 vim-fugitive
2 2.936 tcomment_vim
3 2.315 vim-hybrid
4 1.751 lightline.vim
5 0.959 vim-sneak
6 0.943 supertab
7 0.542 vim-surround
8 0.536 fzf.vim
9 0.450 fzf
10 0.434 auto-pairs
You can also use a custom command. Simply write it after the other options:
$ vim -u NONE
Running vim to generate startup logs... done.
Loading and processing logs...
No plugin found. Exiting.
This is particularly useful if you want to test your plugin manager's lazy loading feature:
$ -n 5 nvim
Running nvim to generate startup logs... done.
Loading and processing logs... done.
Plugin directory: /home/user/.config/nvim/plugged
Top 5 plugins slowing nvim's startup
1 5.613 vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight
2 3.457 vim-fugitive
3 2.864 tcomment_vim
4 2.389 vim-hybrid
5 1.870 lightline.vim
$ -n 5 nvim -c ":exec ':normal ia' | :q\!"
Running nvim to generate startup logs... done.
Loading and processing logs... done.
Plugin directory: /home/user/.config/nvim/plugged
Top 5 plugins slowing nvim's startup
1 144.766 ultisnips
2 95.977 YouCompleteMe
3 11.408 vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight
4 3.463 vim-fugitive
5 2.992 tcomment_vim
Here ultisnips
and YouCompleteMe
were only loaded after entering insert