This application provides a pure Erlang implementation of the R*-tree data structure. The R*-tree structure is particularly suited for indexing multi-dimensional data, with relatively low dimensionality. It is a commonly used data structure for geo-spacial data for this reason. In addition to efficiently supporting window queries, it can also quickly find the nearest neighbors of a point.
This implementation is in-memory only and does not provide builtin support for disk-backed usaged.
- rstar : The primary top level module used to manipulate the tree
- rstar_geometry : Used to modify the geometry type associated with trees
- rstar_util: Contains a various utility methods that may be useful
Below are some examples of usage. Simple creation of trees and population of points:
% Creates a two dimensional R-tree
Tree = rstar:new(2),
% Create a point, at X:1, Y:3, opaque value foo
Point = rstar_geometry:point2d(1, 3, foo),
% Insert into the tree, returning a new tree
T2 = rstar:insert(Tree, Point),
% Delete the point
T3 = rstar:delete(T2, Point).
Creating various geometries:
% Create a 2D box from the origin to 2,2
Box = rstar_geometry:new(2, [{0, 2}, {0, 2}], small_box),
% Create a 3D box
Box3D = rstar_geometry:new(3, [{2, 3}, {2, 3}, {2, 3}], three_d_box),
% Create a 3D point
Point3D = rstar_geometry:point3d(0, 1, 2, point3d),
% Create a 4D point at the origin
Origin4D = rstar_geometry:origin(4).
Various queries:
% Create a tree and populate it
T = rstar:new(2),
TFinal = rstar:insert(...),
% Do box query
Box = rstar_geometry:new(2, [{0, 2}, {0, 2}], small_box),
Matching = rstar:search_within(TFinal, Box),
% Do a circular query around a point within a distance of 10 units
% Distance is Euclidean distance
Point = rstar_geometry:point2d(1, 3, undefined),
Matching = rstar:search_around(TFinal, Point, 10.0),
% Find the nearest 20 points
Matching = rstar:search_nearest(TFinal, Point, 20),
Requires Erlang 18.0 or higher.
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