Sign Language Digits Dataset
Turkey Ankara Ayrancı Anadolu High School Students
ByTurkey Ankara Ayrancı Anadolu High School's Sign Language Digits Dataset
This dataset is prepared by our school students.
Dataset Preview:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Details of datasets:
- Image size: 100 x 100 pixels
- Color space: RGB
- Number of classes: 10 (Digits: 0-9)
- Number of participant students: 218
- Number of samples per student: 10
Project Executives:
Zeynep Dikle & Arda Mavi
Turkey Ankara Ayrancı Anadolu High School Students
For Development:
Processing Dataset:
For processing the dataset, look up Arda Mavi's GitHub Gist:
Cite as:
If you would like to use the data in research projects, please cite the following:
Mavi, A., (2020), “A New Dataset and Proposed Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Classification of American Sign Language Digits”, arXiv:2011.08927 [cs.CV]