Animated Graph which you can include in your application to show information in more attractive way
- You need to download and import folder Graph to your project
- Add View to ViewController and choose classname GraphView
- Choose IBDesignable colors in Interface Builder
- Make IBOutlet of GraphView
- Configure GraphView with method
/// At first you need to configure graph with launch data.
/// - Parameters:
/// - points: Launch array of points
/// - columnNames: Bottom located column names.
/// - title: Title of graph
func configure(withPoints points: [Double], columnNames: [String]?, title: String?)
/// Animate Graph to min values
func animateToMinValues()
/// Use this method to animate graph with other points and column names.
/// - Parameters:
/// - points: Array of points
/// - columnNames: Array of column names
func animate(withPoints points: [Double], columnNames: [String]?)
- To animate use method
/// Use this method to animate graph with other points and column names.
/// - Parameters:
/// - points: Array of points
/// - columnNames: Array of column names
func animate(withPoints points: [Double], columnNames: [String]?)
If you have problems, just look at the example of usage in ViewController.swift