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  • Created over 1 year ago
  • Updated 3 months ago


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Repository Details

Simply powerfull Discord Music Bot that used Poru Lavalink client & DiscordJS v14

Version Contributors Forks Watchers Stargazers Issues MIT License

This Branch Only Supports Poru v4.5.0 & Lavalink v3

πŸ“’ Table of Contents

πŸ“’ Features

  • β˜‘οΈ Used Poru v4.5.0 Lavalink Client
  • β˜‘οΈ Slash Commands
  • β˜‘οΈ Prefix Commands [Owner Only]
  • β˜‘οΈ Dev/Maintenance Mode System [Owner Only]
  • β˜‘οΈ Music System
  • β˜‘οΈ Configurable Premium System [You can enable/disable it]
  • β˜‘οΈ Custom Filters [8D, EarRape, Nighcore, Slowmode, Vaporwave] More? [Deal With It]
  • β˜‘οΈ 24/7 in Voice Channel
  • β˜‘οΈ AutoPlay [YouTube Only]
  • β˜‘οΈ Clean UI
  • β˜‘οΈ Easy to use
  • β˜‘οΈ And Many More...!

πŸ–ΌοΈ Screenshots

Here are some screenshots from my bot (Screenshots may not look the same coz i had modify it on my bot).

🎡 Supported Platforms

  • β˜‘οΈ Youtube
  • β˜‘οΈ Youtube Music
  • β˜‘οΈ Apple Music [Link only]
  • β˜‘οΈ Deezer [Link only]
  • β˜‘οΈ Spotify [Link only]
  • β˜‘οΈ SoundCloud
  • β˜‘οΈ Twitch
  • β˜‘οΈ Bandcamp
  • β˜‘οΈ Vimeo
  • β˜‘οΈ Local Files
  • β˜‘οΈ Https [Radio]

πŸ“Œ Requirements

  • Discord Bot Token Guide
  • Node.js v18 or higher
  • MongoDB v5.0.x or higher [For Local Database]
  • Java v17 or higher [For Lavalink]
  • LavaLink v3.7.x Guide [Currently Lavalink v4.x.x Not Supported]

🎢 More Support Audio Platforms

β˜‘οΈ LavaSrc v3.2.x

  • Spotify [ spsearch ]
  • Deezer [ dzsearch ]
  • Apple Music [ amsearch ]
  • Yandex Music [ ymsearch ]

β˜‘οΈ skybot-lavalink-plugin v1.5.x

  • Mixcloud
  • Ocremix
  • Clyp
  • Reddit
  • Getyarn
  • TikTok
  • Po*nHub
  • Soundgasm

πŸ“ Installation

git clone https://github.com/adh319/Lunox.git
cd Lunox
npm install

πŸš€ Configuration & Starting

Rename .env.example to .env and fill out these values. You can find the details on /src/settings/config.js and make configration there too (you choose):


TOKEN = #Your bot token
PREFIX = #Your bot prefix
EMBED_COLOR = #Your bot embed color without "#"
OWNER_ID = #Your discord id
GUILD_LOGS = #Your guild channel id for logs
LEAVE_TIMEOUT = 60000 #Time in ms to leave the voice channel after the last user leaves
DISABLE_PREMIUM = false #Disable premium system

DEFAULT_PLATFORM = ytmsearch #recomended using "ytmsearch". You can change this to: "ytsearch" / "ytmsearch" / "scsearch". More Audio Source? Use Lavasrc plugin.LavaSrc plugin
SPOTIFY_ID = #Spotify client id
SPOTIFY_SECRET = #Spotify client secret
NODE_NAME = Lunox #Name of the lavalink, could be anything
NODE_HOST = localhost #Host of the lavalink
NODE_PORT = 2333 #Port of the lavalink
NODE_PASSWORD = youshallnotpass #Password of the lavalink
NODE_SECURE = false #If the lavalink is using ssl use "true"

MONGO_URI = #Your mongodb uri (mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<db_cluster_url>/<db_name>)
SUPPORT_URL = #Your support server invite link
INVITE_URL = #Your bot invite link
IMAGE_URL = #Any direct image link

After installation & finished all needed configuration, you can start the bot by either using npm start or node src/index.js.

πŸ” Licensed

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

πŸ’ Support Me

Also make sure to give a ⭐ to this project if you like it πŸ˜‰!

πŸ™πŸ» Special Thanks

πŸ‘₯ Contributors

I really appreciated if you guys can contribute to this project. So don't hesitate to make a pull request if you guys has any suggestions, fixing bugs or want to add more features.