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Repository Details

Detect circular dependencies in your TypeScript projects.

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A robust static dependency analyzer for your JavaScript and TypeScript projects.

Highlights  |  Install  |  Usage  |  Options  |  API


  • Supports CommonJS, ESM.
  • Supports JavaScript and TypeScript completely.
    • Supports TypeScript path mapping.
    • Supports ignore TypeScript type dependencies.
  • Light weight: use TypeScript to parse all modules.
  • Fast: use asynchronous API to load modules.
  • Stable output: This is compared to madge, whose results are completely inconclusive when analyze TypeScript.


  1. For command line

    npm i -g dpdm
    # or via yarn
    yarn global add dpdm
  2. As a module

    npm i -D dpdm
    # or via yarn
    yarn add -D dpdm

Usage in command line

  1. Simple usage

    dpdm ./src/index.ts
  2. Print circular dependencies only

    dpdm --no-warning --no-tree ./src/index.ts
  3. Exit with a non-zero code if a circular dependency is found.

    dpdm --exit-code circular:1 ./src/index.ts
  4. Ignore type dependencies for TypeScript modules

    dpdm -T ./src/index.ts
  5. Find unused files by index.js in src directory:

    dpdm --no-tree --no-warning --no-circular --detect-unused-files-from 'src/**/*.*' 'index.js'
  6. Skip dynamic imports:

    # The value circular will only ignore the dynamic imports
    # when parse circular references.
    # You can set it as tree to ignore the dynamic imports
    # when parse source files.
    dpdm --skip-dynamic-imports circular index.js


dpdm [options] <files...>

Analyze the files' dependencies.

  files  The file paths or globs                                                            [string]

      --version                   Show version number                                      [boolean]
      --context                   the context directory to shorten path, default is current
                                  directory                                                 [string]
      --extensions, --ext         comma separated extensions to resolve
                                                  [string] [default: ".ts,.tsx,.mjs,.js,.jsx,.json"]
      --js                        comma separated extensions indicate the file is js like
                                                        [string] [default: ".ts,.tsx,.mjs,.js,.jsx"]
      --include                   included filenames regexp in string, default includes all files
                                                                            [string] [default: ".*"]
      --exclude                   excluded filenames regexp in string, set as empty string to
                                  include all files               [string] [default: "node_modules"]
  -o, --output                    output json to file                                       [string]
      --tree                      print tree to stdout                     [boolean] [default: true]
      --circular                  print circular to stdout                 [boolean] [default: true]
      --warning                   print warning to stdout                  [boolean] [default: true]
      --tsconfig                  the tsconfig path, which is used for resolve path alias, default
                                  is tsconfig.json if it exists in context directory        [string]
  -T, --transform                 transform typescript modules to javascript before analyze, it
                                  allows you to omit types dependency in typescript
                                                                          [boolean] [default: false]
      --exit-code                 exit with specified code, the value format is CASE:CODE,
                                  `circular` is the only supported CASE, CODE should be a integer
                                  between 0 and 128. For example: `dpdm --exit-code circular:1` the
                                  program will exit with code 1 if circular dependency found.
      --progress                  show progress bar                        [boolean] [default: true]
      --detect-unused-files-from  this file is a glob, used for finding unused files.       [string]
      --skip-dynamic-imports      Skip parse import(...) statement.
                                                              [string] [choices: "tree", "circular"]
  -h, --help                      Show help                                                [boolean]

Example output


Usage as a package

import { parseDependencyTree, parseCircular, prettyCircular } from 'dpdm';

parseDependencyTree('./index', {
  /* options, see below */
}).then((tree) => {
  const circulars = parseCircular(tree);

API Reference

  1. parseDependencyTree(entries, option, output): parse dependencies for glob entries

     * @param entries - the glob entries to match
     * @param options - the options, see below
    export declare function parseDependencyTree(
      entries: string | string[],
      options: ParserOptions,
    ): Promise<DependencyTree>;
     * the parse options
    export interface ParseOptions {
      context: string; // context to shorten filename,           default is process.cwd()
      extensions: string[]; // the custom extensions to resolve file, default is [ '.ts', '.tsx', '.mjs', '.js', '.jsx', '.json' ]
      include: RegExp; // the files to parse match regex,        default is /\.m?[tj]sx?$/
      exclude: RegExp; // the files to ignore parse,             default is /\/node_modules\//
    export enum DependencyKind {
      CommonJS = 'CommonJS', // require
      StaticImport = 'StaticImport', // import ... from "foo"
      DynamicImport = 'DynamicImport', // import("foo")
      StaticExport = 'StaticExport', // export ... from "foo"
    export interface Dependency {
      issuer: string;
      request: string;
      kind: DependencyKind;
      id: string | null; // the shortened, resolved filename, if cannot resolve, it will be null
    // the parse tree result, key is file id, value is its dependencies
    // if file is ignored, it will be null
    export type DependencyTree = Record<string, Dependency[] | null>;
  2. parseCircular(tree): parse circulars in dependency tree

    export declare function parseCircular(tree: DependencyTree): string[][];


  • Supports HTML and HTML like modules
  • Supports CSS and CSS like modules
  • Prints interactive SVG