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Hand Gesture Recognition using Deep Learning Neural Networks using YOLO algorithmAmerican-Sign-Language
The application is developed using Python3, OpenCV and with concepts of Neural Networks it is trained on DarkNet 53 and for the real time object detection I am using Yolo v3. It detects the 1 hand representation of number 1-10 which will be pointed by the user in real time using American Sign LanguageSound-Effects-of-pre-emphasis-filtering
A pre-emphasis filter with a selective parameter 0 α < 1, which controls the degree of pre-emphasis filtering. Assuming the system has a sampling rate of 8,000 Hz, plot the frequency responses for α o, α = 0.4, α 08, α = 095, α 0.99, respectively. For each case, apply the pre-emphasis filter to the given speech ("'speech dat") and discuss the sound effects.HuffMan-
huffman compression functionBlood-Bank-
A MERN developed social media application for developers.Web-Scrapper
Simple Web / Screen Scraper programscurrencyCov
C++ program that build and maintain a data structure to efficiently locate, insert, and delete a record from English dictionary.Some-Text-Delimited-
the capitaliseEachWord function that takes a sentence to capitalise the first letter of each
This is basically a PHP based project which have following functionality of Admin panel, Driver panel and Customer panelResistor-Tolerance-
Matlab code that reads the color of a resistor from the user, calculate its reistance and tolerances and siplay them back to the userOS-Thread-tot_item
OS LAB VIIBio-Infomatics
Use the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm to align two sequences: s1 and s2. Assume that a match = +2, mismatch = -2, gap = -2Huffman-Tree-
huffman tree without using queue stlDice-Game
A simple dice game which randomly shuffles 2 different dices and declares a winner. This is a perfect example for learning JS DOM manipulation.abdullahmujahidali
Program gets input from C a code and writes a html code.react-app-keeper
Created with CodeSandboxfat-function-react
Created with CodeSandboxmodule-react-explore
Created with CodeSandboxtic-tac-toe-minmax-
Created with CodeSandboxreact-map-functions
Created with CodeSandboxexpress-module
A basic express modulecontributor
Created with
Created with CodeSandboxdrum-kit
A JavaScript DOM application that includes the use of Eventlistener and other high order function.react-expression-Date
Created with CodeSandboxdeSwot
A newletter feedback interface designed for a tutor-student engagement website that collects information on mailchimp using API key and list id.emojipedia-react
Created with CodeSandboxlogin-tern-react
Created with CodeSandboxsecrets
A simple authenticated login web application with a little addition to posting your secret anonymouslyrendering-form-props-react
Created with CodeSandboxreact-challenge
Created with CodeSandboxreact-expressions
Created with CodeSandboxreact-new
Created with CodeSandboxtaskManager
TaskManager in C langaugediscrete
Created with CodeSandboxreact-props-shrunk
Created with CodeSandboxSimon-Game
Simon Gameblog-MEN
MEN - Mongo DB, Express and NodeStudent-Management-System
Print student information Search for students by name or ID Manage tuition payments Update GPA Print current student schedulecontact-list-react-props
Created with CodeSandboxaverageFilter-Image-Processing
Average Filter on an iamge PythonFinalProject
Big Brains a social learning networkTASK-3-
Multi threading OS TASK IIIgameoflife
LAB OS -- TASK 2taskmanager-JS
An HTML, CSS design for a simple car booking websitestunning-tribble-MATLAB
In this exercise you will approximate the value of definite integral of a function using both Riemann sums and a MATLAB built-in function integral. The code accepts as inputs: a function fun, a row vector n whose entries are the numbers of subintervals of partitions, and two scalars a, b, which are the endpoints of the interval of integration. Riemann sum calculations should be performed using partitions of [a,b] by subintervals of equal length h(j) defined as h(j)=(b-a)/n(j); where n(j)is a jth entry of n, with j=1:N and N=length(n). Each entry of the vector n, n(j), is the number of the subintervals of the corresponding partition of [a,b]. Your function has to return a table T whose first column formed by the entries of the vector n. Columns 2 – 4 are the column vectors c,d,f of the Riemann sums approximations of the integral of the function on the interval [a, b] by using the left endpoints (to calculate a vector c), the middle points (to calculate vector d), and the right endpoints (to calculate vector f) of each subinterval of the partition. The numbers of subintervals of the partitions are defined by the entries of n. **Write a function that begins with function [T,Int]=reimsum(fun,a,b,n) format compact N=length(n); that calculates vectors c, d, f as described above and forms a matrix A=[n',c,d,f]; The following command converts the N-by-4 array A into an N-by-4 table T with the names of the variables as indicated below. This command should be present in your code. T=array2table(A,... 'VariableNames',{'n','Left','Middle','Right'}) The output Int is definite integral of the function fun calculated by using a built-in MATLAB function integral.Weather-Forecasting
Weather Forecasting using Neural Prophetsocialmedia
Execution of Thread-- LAB OSSort-3-Variables-PHP
PHP code for sorting 3 variables without using any listAI-Text-Summarization-NLP
Tic Tac Toe with graphical user interface implemented in JAVAtest
Hybrid mobile application of Big Brains iOS and Androidprobable-system-Game-Python
For this assignment, develop a word guessing game application. Create a list that contains 10 words and their descriptions. Your task is to have the application randomly select a word from the list and display a clue to the user. User will then try to guess the word based on the clue displayed. One round of game is five chances. Once the total number of chances becomes zero, the program should prompt the user whether to keep playing or exit the application.reimagined-adventure-C
two functions inside rec7.s, switchArray and switchRowRecursive. switchArray will switch the value in a 2d integer array given as input. The values in the input array will be either 1 or 2. switchArray will change the 1’s to 2’s and the 2’s to 1’s. It will use switchRowRecursive as a helper function. switchArray will loop through each row of the input array and call switchRowRecursive to change the values in the row. Here is the pseudo code for switchArray:Ruby-Lang
Write a Ruby program named formatfile.rb, which can be run by typing ruby widgets.rb.curly-guacamole-MATLAB
Write a code that plots the rows of a matrix (rows) one by one. after plotting eah vector, if you clicked the plot with the mouse it should store that row (array) in a new matrix.congenial-sniffle-JAVA-SWING
Design a Payroll class that has private data members for an employee's full name, hourly rate pay, number of hours worked, and total pay for the week. Write a Java application program with an array of at least 5 Payroll objects. The program should ask the user for the number of hours each employee has worked and will then display the amount of gross pay each has earned. You may bypass the I/O code (asking user to enter the hourly rate and the hour worked) if you wish and instantiate the object manually. For example; Payroll [] employee = new Payroll[5]; Payroll employee[0] = new Payroll (“Jane Doe”, 35.95, 40); Payroll employee[1] = new Payroll (“John Doe”); Payroll employee[2] = new Payroll(); will create three Payroll objects. Include the following methods in your Payroll class; • Default constructor that sets the name to blank, and zeros to other values. • Constructor that takes employee’s name, hourly rate and hours worked. • Constructor that takes employee’s name only. • get() and set() methods for hourly rate, hours worked and employee’s name. • computePay() method that calculates the payment. • toString() method that prints all information. Print total payment in two decimal places. • Display your output result in your Java Dialog box. Write your own main() program to thoroughly test your Payroll class to demonstrate that your class design works appropriately.MARIE-ASM
program to implement one round of rock paper scissors game. Your program should represent the three moves 'rock', 'paper' and 'scissors' with numbers 1, 2 and 3 respectively. When the program is run, there should be two input prompts, one after the other, to ask for player 1's and player 2's moves (a number 1, 2 or 3). Then the program would compare both numbers and apply the following rules to work out the winner. Paper beats rock, scissors beat paper and rock beats scissors. If both moves are same, round is drawn. Depending on the results of comparison there will be one of the three outputs: 'P1 Won' or 'P2 Won' or 'Draw'. Once a result is obtained, the program would take a third input from user to ask if they want to repeat with another round. User should enter a number 1 to indicate 'yes' and that should repeat the whole process. Any input other than 1 should be treated as 'no' and quit the program. Use 'decimal' mode for inputs and 'Unicode' mode for outputs. To display text on output, you need to print it character by character using their ASCII codes. Insert a line break (ASCII code 10) before starting next round. Assume that the user will always provide valid numbers as input — do not worry about dealing with invalid input datacongenial-computing-machine-JAVA Write a program that lets the user type in a simple math problem involving fractions, as shown in the examples below. The program evaluates the expression and prints the result. Your program must be able to handle addition subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions. Use the Rational class from Chapter 13 to represent the fractions. You will need to use the split method in the String class to retrieve the numerator string and denominator string, and convert strings into integers using the Integer.parseInt method. Assume that the input is always formatted as below, as far as spacing is concerned. You do not need to check for invalid input.MARIE--ASM
program to implement one round of rock paper scissors game. Your program should represent the three moves 'rock', 'paper' and 'scissors' with numbers 1, 2 and 3 respectively. When the program is run, there should be two input prompts, one after the other, to ask for player 1's and player 2's moves (a number 1, 2 or 3). Then the program would compare both numbers and apply the following rules to work out the winner. Paper beats rock, scissors beat paper and rock beats scissors. If both moves are same, round is drawn. Depending on the results of comparison there will be one of the three outputs: 'P1 Won' or 'P2 Won' or 'Draw'. Once a result is obtained, the program would take a third input from user to ask if they want to repeat with another round. User should enter a number 1 to indicate 'yes' and that should repeat the whole process. Any input other than 1 should be treated as 'no' and quit the program. Use 'decimal' mode for inputs and 'Unicode' mode for outputs. To display text on output, you need to print it character by character using their ASCII codes. Insert a line break (ASCII code 10) before starting next round. Assume that the user will always provide valid numbers as input — do not worry about dealing with invalid input data. Also write comments within your program so that a reader can understand it easily.upgraded-lamp-C-
Program: Soccer team roster (Functions, Structures, Arrays & Files) This program will store roster and rating information for a soccer team. Coaches rate players during tryouts to ensure a balanced team. (1) Read five pairs of numbers from the file "input.txt": A player's jersey number (0 - 99) and the player's rating (1 - 9). Create a structure data type to store a single player's information (jersey & rating). Then, in main( ) create an array of 11 structures to hold information for the whole team using the structure. Output the contents of the array (i.e., output the roster). Use a separate variable (playerCount) to keep track of how many players are actually stored in the array. The array may not be full at all times. (3 pts)super-chainsaw-JAVA
a. Sammy's Seashore Supplies rents beach equipment such as kayaks, canoes, beach chairs, and umbrellas to tourists. In Chapters 3 and 4. you created a Rental class for the company. Now, make the following change to the class: Currently, a rental price is calculated as $40 per hour plus $1 for each minute over a full hour This means that a customer who rents equipment for 41 or more minutes past an hour pays more than a customer who waits until the next hour to return the equipment. Change the price calculation so that a customer pays $40 for each full hour and $1 for each extra minute up to and including 40 minutes. Save the file as b. In Chapter 4. you modified the RentalDemo class to demonstrate a Rental object. Now modify that class again as follows: Instantiate three Rental objects, and prompt the user for values for each object. Display the details for each object to verify that the new price calculation works correctly. . Create a method that accepts two Rental objects and returns the one with the longer rental time. (If the Rentals have the same time, you can return either object) Call this method three times-once with each pair of instantiated Rentals-and display the contract number and time in hours and minutes for each argument as well as the contract number of the longer Rental Save the file as
The values and locations of the peaks (and plateaus) in data is usually much more important than simply knowing how many peaks there are. In this problem you will find the values and locations of all the peaks. Create a class called FindPeaks with the single static method public static int[ findPeaks (int[] data) The method returns a 2-dimensional array of integers that correspond to the values and locations (in the data array) of all the peaks. The order of the peaks in the output array should correspond to the order of the peaks in the data. For example, the first peak in the input data will be the first peak in the output array. Consider the following code: int[] data = {3,6,7,5,3,-1,1}; int[] [] peaks = FindPeaks. findPeaks (data); // array from problem 1 The peaks variable, after calling findPeaks (data), will be equivalent to the following array int (1) answer = { {7, 1}, {2, 6} }; 1/ peak values 1/ peak locations Here peaks [O] [O] is the value of the first peak which is located at index position peaks [1] [O] in the input array data. The second peak's value/location is contained in peaks [0] [1]/peaks [1][1]. Here peaks [0] contains all the values and peaks[1] contains their corresponding index positions in the data. Note that the size of the returned array depends on the actual input data. For example, the data [3] has a single peak, the data [2,2,2] has no peaks and the data [3,2,3] has two peaks.literate-waffle-JAVA
Create a class called Fractions. A fraction contains a numerator and a demonjoatec Both the numerator and the denominator are integers. 1) Prompt the user for the first fraction. Prompt for a numerator and then a denominator. 2) Once the numerator and denominator have been entered. Print out the fraction in it's simplest form. Here are some examples: a. Numerator is 2, demonimator is 3. You print 2/3 b. Numerator is 2, denominator is 4. You print 1/2 c. Numerator is 3, denominator is -4. You print-3/4 d. Numerator is - 3, denominator is 4. You print 3/4 e. Numerator is 2, denominator is 2. You print 1 f. Numerator iso, denominator is 1. You print Loop until valid numerators and denominators are entered. O is not a valid demoninator. 3) Prompt the user for the second fraction. Prompt for a numerator and then a denominator. Print out as you have done for the first fraction. 4) Print of the following results in the following format: 2/3 +3/4 = 17/12 = 1 5/12 2/3-3/4 2/3 3/4 = 1/2 2/3 +3/ 4 8 /9 2/3 Please enter an Integer Please enter the first denominator Please enter annon-zero Integer -17 Please enter the second numerator> Please entre second denominator 13/7 -1/2- 3/7--113/14ALS-HandPose
Data Science Project ~ Movie Revenue BudgetMetaverse-NextJS
A nextjs 13 projectAndroidApp
File Handling includedF-Sharp-
Decimal number to roman numberBakery-Algorithm-
Bakery Algorithm Operating System in ChistogramR
Numerical Analysis Project GUI Implementation of Trapezoidal Rule with its graph GUIapl-gameoflife
Keras module for translating sign language with addition of using VUI scripting.ticTacToe
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