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Build .NET browser / native UI in declarative C#

C# Markup 2

Enjoy a Flutter-like UI development experience with .NET Hot Reload and the main .NET UI frameworks

  • Build .NET applications fully in C#
  • Target browsers and native desktop / mobile
  • Use existing UI frameworks. Mature or bleeding edge is your choice: WPF, WinUI 3 for Windows App SDK and Uno Platform. Coming: AvaloniaUI, Maui, possibly Blazor.
  • Use the built-in MVVM support - or any other update model that supports your UI framework (e.g. ReactiveUI)
  • Use for part or all of your application UI
  • Designed to handle large UI fast: practically allocation-free, no reflection, efficient C#

No XAML / HTML / JavaScript / CSS required. No engine or layers to get in your way.

Markup Example Flutter Page

Nuget (with prereleases) Nuget (with prereleases)

Chat (if needed, join DotNetEvolution first)
The best place to ask questions or help!

Getting Started

Looking for C# Markup 1? Find it here


June 27, 2023

2.2 Release & start of .NET MAUI support

  • Release 2.2 is out! Enjoy this polished release for Windows App SDK, Uno Platform and WPF.
  • As the poll results indicated, C# Markup 2 support for .NET MAUI is most wanted.
    Implementation has started!

March 25, 2023

Poll results are in! And the winner is...

The March 2023 poll results on what to build next for C# Markup 2 are in!

A surprise addition was the ask for C# Markup 2 for Avalonia UI in the replies; it got a big response that catapulted it into a very close 2nd place.

Here are the results for the poll including the likes for "Other" options Blazor and AvaloniaUI:


And the winner is: C# Markup 2 for MAUI!
Watch and star this repo to catch the release; you can also watch #CSharpForMarkup tweets for progress. Thanks for your response!

Feb 28, 2023

Major Release - C# Markup 2 version 2.0 for WinUI 3!

C# Markup 2 version 2.0 for WinUI 3 is here! Completely updated to .NET 7, C# 11 and the latest Windows App SDK and Uno Platform. With many improvements including 6 supported target platforms, C# hot reload support and dotnet new project templates.

Brought to you by Applicita

Special thanks go to Applicita for making this release possible; it's inspiring to see a company support OSS in this way (Applicita also open-sourced several other useful libraries)

More on what's new in this release here.

Feb 16, 2023

A new release of C# Markup 2 for WinUI 3 and Uno Platform is coming in Feb 2023

Updated to .NET 7, C# 11 and the latest Windows App SDK and Uno Platform. With many improvements - including C# hot reload support and a dotnet new project template. Watch this space!

April 14, 2022

New 0.8 release: adds ControlTemplate support and Style improvements!

See here and here for the full list of improvements

February 15, 2022

New 0.6 release: adds WPF and many improvements!

See here for the full list of improvements

November 30, 2021

C# Markup 2 announced at UNOCONF 2021!

This first preview targets WinUI 3 and Uno Platform - including browser webassembly - with C# 10 and .NET 6. It supports .NET Hot Reload for a fast inner dev loop.

See the C# Markup 2 announcement at UNOCONF 2021: UNOCONF Announces Csharp Markup 2

Getting started for WPF

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Open CSharpMarkup.Wpf.Examples.sln and explore the source for the example pages. Note how page markup and page logic are separated in partial class files, and integrated with Build(), Assign() and Invoke().
  3. .NET Hot Reload is supported; edit and save the page markup in VS 2022 while debugging to see instant updates
  4. To learn how to use C# Markup 2, read the features description below and experiment in the example app
  5. To build your own app, reference Nuget (with prereleases) from a .NET 6 WPF project and create the C# Markup UI windows, pages etc in that project. Note that for existing apps you can reference (WPF / class library) projects that target older .NET versions from the .NET 6 project, so you can add C# Markup UI to your app without having to migrate existing logic and/or WPF UI to .NET 6 and C# 10.

Getting started for WinUI 3 and Windows App SDK / Uno Platform

  1. First check if your development environment is ready for WinUI 3:

  2. Install the Modern.CSharp.Templates for dotnet new to get these templates for Windows App SDK, Uno Platform and more

  3. Create a new solution with the mcs-winui3-app template, e.g.:

    dotnet new mcs-winui3-app --name Modern.Shop --allow-scripts Yes

    This will create a ready to run solution (in a new folder) with just a Windows target. The --allow-scripts Yes parameter will run a dotnet new mcs-editorconfig and then will open the solution (omit this parameter to get prompted whether you want those actions to run):

    Mcs Winui3 App Default Sln

    You can use optional parameters to select more targets (Android, iOS, Mac Catalyst, WebAssembly, Skia/Tizen, Skia/WPF, and Skia/GTK for Linux). To see a list of all parameters for this template, run:

    dotnet new mcs-winui3-app -h
  4. Set the Windows head as start project and run it

  5. To add a new view (plus optional viewmodel), use the New-View.ps1 script; e.g. open Visual Studio's View|Terminal window, type n + Tab to expand to the script name, and supply a name:

    .\New-View.ps1 Cart

    Mcs Winui3 New View

    This will create these files (intentionaly all in the same folder):

    Mcs Winui3 New View Output

    The parameters are documented in the New-View.ps1 script file

    Note that you can use the C# Markup in-app debugging overlay to navigate to the new view(s). You can quickly add many views and flesh them out in hot reload. No need to implement navigation first.

To learn how to use C# Markup 2, read the features description below and inspect the example app

Fast inner dev loop with .NET Hot Reload

Hot reload in Visual Studio for Windows has been verified to work for editing existing C# Markup 2 views, viewmodels and styles in Windows, Android and Webassembly targets; other targets should work as well. If you have a Windows target, use that - currently it has the best update experience.


  1. Run an app head with debugging; you will see the main page with a debugging overlay for C# Hot Reload:

    Mcs Winui3 App Mainpage Debug

  2. Navigate to the page you want to edit using the debugging overlay:

    Mcs Winui3 Hotreload In App Navigation

  3. Edit the <name>Page.cs, <name>ViewModel.cs or the Styles.cs and save it; after the VS status bar says Visual Studio Dotnet Hot Reload Statusbar, click In App Hot Reload Button in the app to rebuild your UI. Note that you can also check for hot reload messages in the output window:

    Mcs Winui3 Hotreload Output

    For the Windows target the UI will update on save, no button click needed: the app listens to Ctrl+S (for the left Ctrl key). When you release those keys (S first, then Ctrl) it will rebuild the UI. So the flow is: Press and hold Ctrl+S until VS has applied the code changes, then release. After the first update this takes less than a second; after a few times it feels just as seamless as a proper automatic UI rebuild.

    Mcs Winui3 Hotreload Menu

    You can toggle the UI rebuild off and on by pressing and releasing S twice instead of once (before releasing Ctrl). This is displayed in the debug output:

    Mcs Winui3 Hotreload Rebuild Enabled

    Note that above are workarounds for various defects in MS Hot Reload; once these are fixed, the UI can update without a button or keyboard listener.

  4. If you introduce other types (in addition to Styles.cs) that should update your UI when hot reloading, you can customize your App.BuildUI() method to rebuild their instances.


C# Markup 2 contains a full declarative, fluent API for existing UI frameworks. It surfaces virtually every layout, view and property, including attached properties, and includes full inline documentation that links each markup helper / parameter to the inline documentation for the underlying UI object / property.

The rich UI frameworks that C# Markup 2 surfaces can contain as much as 500+ UI object types. E.g. layouts, views and styles, but also brushes, rich text elements, drawing primitives, transformations, animations, visual states and more. In addition C# Markup offers powerful and concise convenience API's for layout, bindings, convertors, templates and more.

  • When targeting Windows Desktop, the WinUI API from the Windows App SDK is surfaced (without any dependency on Uno Platform).
  • When targeting Uno Platform, the Uno.WinUI API is surfaced (atm only webassembly is tested, but any Uno target platform that can support .NET 6 and C# 10 should work)
  • When targeting WPF, the WPF API is surfaced.

Basic markup anatomy

Layouts, views, properties and property values look like this:
Markup Basic Anatomy
All properties can be set with extension methods: properties defined on the view type or it's base types, as well as attached properties.

Properties that are defined directly on the view type can alternatively be set with named parameters:
Markup View Defined Properties
This is mainly useful for properties that take primitive types.

Properties that take enum values have extension methods so the enum name does not have to be repeated
(as in TextAlignment: TextAlignment.Center):
Markup Property Enum Values

Attached property names are prefixed with the defining type plus underscore:
Markup Attached Properties

You can set multiple attached property values for the same defining type in one call:
Markup Attached Properties

In addition to this, there are convenience overloads for some view types with just the most commonly used parameters:
Markup View Convenience Overload

Property value converters

Implicit converters are provided in the to subnamespace for common property value types:
Markup View Convenience Overload

These are:

  • All converters that accept string values, as specified by the UI framework with the TypeConverter attribute
    Note that WinUI 3 Desktop does not use this attribute, but Uno Platform and WPF do.
  • Additional manual converters that also accept other types than string, including tuples if more than one value is expected. E.g.:
    Markup View Convenience Overload
    Allows you to specify:
    Button() .CornerRadius (2.5) or
    Button() .CornerRadius ((2.5, 0, 2.5, 0))

An example using to.Point:

Button() .Background (RadialGradientBrush (Center: (50, 50), GradientOrigin: (100, 50)))

An example using to.TimeSpan and to.Duration:

ColorAnimation (BeginTime: "0:0:5", Duration: 2.5)

In many cases the inline documentation on the to. type describes the supported values and formatting; especially for strings this can avoid guesswork.


Styles can be assigned like this:
Markup Style Usage

And defined like this:
Markup Style Definition

In WPF you can bind a style setter value (WinUI 3 does not support this):
Markup Style Setter Binding


A DataTemplate is passed in as a Func<UIElement>:
Markup Templates

A ControlTemplate can be created like this:
Markup Templates

  • The .BindTemplate() method lets you bind template properties to the templated parent
  • The targetType parameter is optional
  • b here is a null-valued static UI_Button field. In this example it only serves to demonstrate one way to get intellisense when editing binding expressions for a Button; see Binding power for details.

Here is how you can use a ControlTemplate in an implicit or explicit Style:
Markup Templates

Enums for Grid rows and columns

You can use enums instead of numbers for Grid rows and colums. This improves readability and saves you from manually renumbering rows and columns when adding/removing/reordering them
Markup Enums For Grid Rows Columns

Markup Enums For Grid Rows Columns Usage

Shorthand helpers

Shorthand helpers are included as an alternative to common combinations of markup helpers:

Markup Shorthand 1

Markup Shorthand 2

Insert layout children: conditional and Spread

All layouts ignore null values in their children; this makes it possible to have conditional views depending on the value of an expression at page (re) build time.

The Spread helper allows to insert a variable number of children at a specific position in the children list (similar to what Flutter offers).

Markup Layout Insert Children Conditional Spread

Binding power

Thanks to the C# 10 CallerArgumentExpression attribute, you don't have to use strings or nameof() to specify binding paths with good performance. Instead you can use C# expressions and enjoy all the goodness that they bring: full intellisense, compiler checked, renaming support :
Markup Binding Expression

Note from the intellisense description in above image that the pathExpression parameter supports several convenience binding syntaxes, which allows to:

  • Identify the viewmodel part of the expression with parenthesis:
    path expression = viewmodel.path || (viewmodel expression).path, where path can contain . e.g.:
    • .Bind (vm.SelectedTweet) binds to "SelectedTweet"
    • .Bind ((vm.SelectedTweet).Title) binds to "Title"
    • .Bind ((vm.SelectedTweet).Author.Name) binds to "Author.Name"
  • Use ? with null-valued type instances to enjoy C# goodness without needing object instances e.g.:
    • .Bind (vm?.SelectedTweet?.Title) binds to "Title"
      Note that using ? can be necessary because the expression will be evaluated at runtime, even though we don't care about it's value; the CallerArgumentExpression attribute supplies an expression string in addition to the expression value.
  • You can still pass in string literals
    • .Bind ("SelectedTweet") binds to "SelectedTweet"

Any surrounding ", @ or whitespace characters in pathExpression are ignored

Bind supports almost all functionality that the UI framework offers for binding. In addition, there are many Bind overloads that allows to:

  • Omit the property name to bind to the default property of a view type:
    Bind Default Parameter
  • Bind with inline conversion:
    Bind Inline Conversion
  • Bind a command and it's parameter in one go:

Page anatomy - separate markup and UI logic

A typical markup page starts like this:


using CSharpMarkup.<UI framework name>;
using static CSharpMarkup.<UI framework name>.Helpers;

namespace Examples;

partial class FlutterPage
    public void Build() => Content = 

Note the use of partial class; this lets you separate the UI markup from UI logic:


using <UI framework namespace>.Controls;

namespace Examples;

public sealed partial class FlutterPage : Page, IBuild
    readonly FlutterViewModel vm;

    public FlutterPage()
        InitializeComponent(); // Only needed for WinUI
        DataContext = vm = <obtain viewmodel instance>;

Namespace separation of markup and UI logic


  • In C# markup files like <page>.cs:
    Include CSharpMarkup.* namespace usings but no UI objectmodel usings such as using Microsoft.UI.Xaml;

    (by design the type names in the CSharpMarkup namespace are identical to the type names in the UI objectmodel, so including both would not work)

    Try to limit using the UI object model to UI logic files. If you must, you can use the UI objectmodel safely in C# markup files; a good practice then is to define global namespace using aliases, e.g. global using UI = Microsoft.UI.Xaml;

  • In UI logic files like <page>.logic.cs:
    Do not use CSharpMarkup objects

    Markup object instances are not safe to use outside of a markup expression (due to performance features - each markup object type has a single static instance to prevent allocating an extra object for each view). That is why Assign and Invoke (see below) pass the UI object contained in the markup object to the logic, instead of the markup object itself.

Integrate UI markup with UI logic

With Assign and Invoke you can integrate UI markup with UI logic:

Markup Logic Assign 1

Markup Logic Assign 2

Markup Logic Invoke 1

Markup Logic Invoke 2

In SearchPage.cs, StackPanel and TextBox are markup object types, while
in SearchPage.logic.cs they are the corresponding UI framework object types

Development workflow tips

Improve markup colorization in Visual Studio

There is no C# Markup IDE extension (yet...) to properly colorize markup, however C# Markup readability can be improved with this workaround in Visual Studio options:

Under Fonts and Colors, copy the color of User Types - Classes to User Members - Methods (with the Custom... button). Now the markup color for views and properties will no longer be the same.

Improve Markup Colors In Vs