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Nodejs 资源大全中文版,正在翻译中。。。

Awesome Node.js 中文版

一份nodejs的超级大礼包 包(packages) and 资源(resources)

被老外的awesome 清单刺激到,觉得有必要翻译一份,为国产的程序员们做点事情,本清单将保持实时更新同步。PS:进都进来了,就顺便看看其他的吧:




  • webtorrent - WebTorrent 是一个可工作在node.js和浏览器的流BT客户端。它完全采用JavaScript开发,在浏览器中WebTorrent使用WebRTC (data channels) 来进行p2p传输。它可以不使用浏览器插件,扩展或安装。只有JavaScript。
  • GitTorrent - Git仓库的P2P网络,通过比特流分享。
  • peerflix - 流客户端.
  • dat - Dat 是开源的项目,进行实时复制,数据集版本控制,提供每个文件格式和数据存储后端的流。.
  • ipfs - IPFS 是分布式文件系统,寻求连接所有计算机设备的相同文件系统。在某些方面,这很类似于原始的 Web 目标,但是 IPFS 最终会更像单个比特流群交换的 git 对象。
  • stackgl - WebGL的开源软件生态系统,基于browserify和npm构建。
  • peerwiki - 比特流上的所有wiki
  • peercast - 推送视频流到Chromecast.
  • BitcoinJS - BitcoinJS 是一个纯 JavaScript 库,支持 Node.js和浏览器,用于操作各种比特币钱包。代码清晰,可读性强。
  • Bitcore - Bitcore 是一个完整原生的比特币网络的 JavaScript 开发库,提供比特币应用开发的核心功能。
  • PDFKit - PDF生成器库.
  • turf - Turf 是一个 JavaScript 的模块化的 GIS 引擎,它执行地理空间与GeoJSON数据处理任务,可以在服务器或在浏览器上运行。
  • webcat - 使用您的GitHub的私有/公共密钥认证的p2p管道,可以通过WebRTC跨web使用。
  • js-git - Git的JavaScript实现。
  • NodeOS - 第一个通过npm实现的操作系统,使用Node.js编写。
  • limdu - 一个机器学习框架。
  • Cytoscape.js - Cytoscape.js 是个开源 JavaScript 图形库,用户可以用 Cytoscape.js 来分析和制作可视化图形。它兼容 CommonJS/Node.js, jQuery 1.4+ 和纯 JavaScript。


  • pageres - 网站截图工具。
  • trash - trash 命令替代linux rm命令实现windows回收站的功能
  • npm-name - 检查报名在npm上是否可用。
  • XO - XO 是 JavaScript 幸福样式,强制执行严格代码风格,pull request 的时候不会再讨论代码风格。没有 .eslintrc,.jshintrc,.jscsrc 管理。
  • speed-test - 测试网络连接速度和ping。
  • np - 比npm publish更好用。
  • yo - 运行Yeoman生成器。
  • Babel - 从现在开始使用下一代JavaScript。
  • ESLint - ESLint 是一个开源的插件化得JavaScript验证工具,相比JSLint,ESLint具有可配置性。
  • JSCS - JavaScript代码风格检查。
  • Standard - JavaScript标准风格,使用一种风格来限制所有。
  • cpy - 复制文件。
  • fkill - 跨平台的,更好的杀死进程的方式。
  • vantage - Vangtage.js 是一个全新的 Node 交互式 CLI。Vangtage 灵感来源于 commander.js,通过 inquirer.js 的交互式 prompt 把在线 Node 应用转换到 CLI。可以本地或者远程访问,Vantage 可以让你构建自己的 API,导入社区扩展等等。
  • vtop - 更好更漂亮的图表。
  • tmpin - 给所有能接受文件输入的CLI应用添加标准输入支持。
  • empty-trash - 清空回收站。
  • is-up - 检查Web站点是否在线。
  • is-online - 检查是否联网。
  • public-ip - 获取你的公网IP。
  • dark-mode - 触发OS X的夜间模式。
  • ttystudio - 记录你的终端并且编译成GIF或者APNG动态图,无需任何依赖,bash脚本或者gif相关的东西。
  • David - 当你的npm依赖过时的时候通知你。
  • http-server - 简单,零配置的命令行HTTP服务器。
  • Live Server - 一个自带热加载功能的http服务器。
  • bcat - 将命令行输出到web浏览器。
  • normit - 在终端运行的包含语音合成Google翻译。
  • slap - 类似于Sublime的基于命令行的文本编辑器。
  • jsinspect - 发现复制粘贴的或者结构相似代码。
  • esformatter - JavaScript代码格式化。
  • pjs - 能作为管道使用的JavaScript,从终端快速过滤,映射等。
  • license-checker - 检查应用的依赖的证书。
  • browser-run - 轻松在浏览器环境中运行代码。
  • modhelp -在终端动态高亮README模块。
  • wifi-password - 在终端通过命令行获取当前的wifi密码。.
  • wallpaper -命令行改变桌面的背景。
  • brightness - 命令行改变屏幕的亮度。
  • torrent - 下载种子。
  • tfa - Two-factor验证客户端。
  • rtail - 使用Unix管道,在终端实时输出浏览器多个流。
  • kill-tabs - 通过关闭Chrome 窗口来提升性能,减少电池消耗,节约内存。
  • alex - Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing.
  • pen - 浏览器中的你最喜欢的编辑器Markdown实时预览。
  • subdownloader - 电影和电视剧的字幕下载。
  • iponmap - IP地址查找。
  • Jsome - 根据配置的颜色和排版格式化打印JSON。
  • itunes-remote -iTunes交互控制.
  • dev-time - 获取一个用户当前的本地时间.
  • text-meme - 生成一个text meme.
  • mobicon - 生成手机应用的icon.
  • mobisplash - 生成手机应用的 splash 屏幕.
  • diff2html-cli - 好看的 git diff 的html生成器.
  • Cash - 纯js实现的跨平台的Unix shell命令.
  • vaca - 获取一个随机的ASCII 🐮.
  • gh-home - 在当前的directory打开一个GitHub仓库的页面.
  • npm-home - 打开一个npm包的home页面.


  • lodash - 一个工具库,相当于一个更好更快的 Underscore.js.
  • immutable - 数据持久化.
  • mori - A library for using使用 ClojureScript的持久化数据结构,且支持 vanilla JavaScript API的库.
  • Ramda - 专注于灵活的函数式编程的工具库,能力来自于自动柯里化和函数参数优先于数据,提供了mutating data.
  • Folktale - 一整套通用的JavaScript函数式编程方案,帮助你构建优雅的,组合式的健壮且高度复用的应用。
  • underscore-contrib - The brass buckles on Underscore's utility belt.
  • Mout - 和其他工具库最大的不同是,你可以选择只下载你需要的模块或函数,没有额外的负担。
  • RxJS - 函数式响应式编程库,专注于大量不同数据的转换,构建和查询。
  • Lazy.js - Lazy.js是类似Underscore或Lo-Dash的JavaScript工具库,但是它有一个非常独特的特性:惰性求值。很多情况下,惰性求值都将带来巨大的性能提升,特别是当处理巨大的数组和连锁使用多个方法的时候。


  • got - A nicer interface to the built-in http module.
  • gh-got - Convenience wrapper for got to interact with the GitHub API.
  • request - Simplified HTTP request client.
  • Nock - A HTTP mocking and expectations library.
  • hyperquest - Streaming HTTP requests.
  • axios - Promise based HTTP client (works in the browser too).
  • spdy - Creates SPDY servers with the same API as the built-in https module.
  • wreck - HTTP Client Utilities.
  • download - Download and extract files effortlessly.
  • http-proxy - A full-featured HTTP proxy.
  • rocky - Featured, middleware-oriented HTTP proxy with traffic replay and intercept.
  • superagent - A small progressive HTTP request library.

Debugging / Profiling

  • ironNode - Node.js debugger supporting ES2015 out of the box.
  • node-inspector - Debugger based on Blink Developer Tools.
  • Theseus - A new type of JavaScript debugger featuring real-time code coverage, retroactive inspection and asynchronous call tree.
  • longjohn - Long stack traces with configurable call trace length.
  • debug - Tiny debugging utility.
  • jstrace - Dynamic tracing for JavaScript, similar to dtrace, ktap etc.
  • why-is-node-running - Node.js is running but you don't know why?
  • njsTrace - Instrument and trace your code, see all function calls, arguments, return values, as well as the time spent in each function.
  • vstream - Instrumentable streams mix-ins to inspect a pipeline of streams.
  • stackman - Enhance an error stacktrace with code excerpts and other goodies.
  • TraceGL - Transforms your JavaScript, injecting monitoring code that produces a log of everything that happens.
  • locus - Starts a REPL at runtime that has access to all variables.
  • bugger - Provides Chrome Devtools bindings to debug programs in Chrome.
  • 0x - Flamegraph profiling.


  • winston - A multi-transport async logging library.
  • Bunyan - A simple and fast JSON logging library.
  • intel - A comprehensive logging library (handlers, filters, formatters, console injection).
  • console-log-level - The most simple logger imaginable with support for log levels and custom prefixes.

Command-line utilities

  • chalk - Terminal string styling done right.
  • meow - CLI app helper.
  • minimist - Parse command-line flags.
  • get-stdin - Easier stdin.
  • user-home - Get the path to the user home directory.
  • log-update - Log by overwriting the previous output in the terminal. Useful for rendering progress bars, animations, etc.
  • Inquirer.js - Interactive command-line prompt.
  • update-notifier - Update notifications for your CLI app.
  • ansi-escapes - ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal.
  • sudo-block - Block users from running your app with root permissions.
  • configstore - Easily load and persist config without having to think about where and how.
  • insight - Helps you understand how your tool is being used by anonymously reporting usage metrics to Google Analytics.
  • log-symbols - Colored symbols for various log levels.
  • figures - Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacks.
  • boxen - Create boxes in the terminal.
  • string-width - Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display it.
  • first-run - Check if it's the first time the process is run.
  • sparkly - Generate sparklines ▁▂▃▅▂▇
  • vorpal - A framework for interactive CLI apps.
  • blessed - A curses-like library.
  • yn - Parse yes/no like values.
  • cli-table - Pretty unicode tables.
  • drawille - Draw on the terminal with unicode braille characters.
  • googleauth - Create and load persistent Google authentication tokens for command-line apps.
  • ascii-charts - ASCII bar chart in the terminal.
  • progress - Flexible ascii progress bar.
  • cli-cursor - Toggle the CLI cursor.
  • columnify - Create text-based columns suitable for console output. Supports cell wrapping.
  • cli-columns - Columnated unicode and ansi-safe text lists.
  • cfonts - Sexy ASCII fonts for the console.
  • multispinner - Multiple, simultaneous, individually controllable CLI spinners.
  • omelette - Shell autocompletion helper.
  • cross-env - Set environment variables cross-platform.
  • shelljs - Portable Unix shell commands.
  • loud-rejection - Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail.
  • ora - Elegant terminal spinner.
  • term-img - Display images in your terminal.
  • yargs - Command-line parser that automatically generates an elegant user-interface.

Build tools

  • gulp - Streaming and fast build system that favors code over config.
  • Broccoli - A fast, reliable asset pipeline, supporting constant-time rebuilds and compact build definitions.
  • browserify - Browser-side require() the Node.js way.
  • webpack - Packs modules and assets for the browser.
  • Brunch - Front-end web app build tool with simple declarative config, fast incremental compilation, and an opinionated workflow.
  • strong-build - Build a node app package and prepare to deploy it as a package to production or use git to commit to a deploy branch.
  • grunt - Task runner that can perform repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc.
  • start - Simple tasks runner powered by composable functions and promise chaining.
  • ygor - A promising task runner for when npm run isn't enough and everything else is too much.


  • johnny-five - Firmata based Arduino Framework.
  • serialport - Access serial ports for reading and writing.
  • usb - USB library.
  • cylon.js - Next generation robotics framework with support for 26 different platforms.
  • i2c-bus - I2C serial bus access.


  • marko - A fast and lightweight HTML-based templating engine that compiles templates to CommonJS modules and supports streaming, async rendering and custom tags.
  • nunjucks - A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired).
  • handlebars.js - A superset of Mustache templates which adds powerful features like helpers and more advanced blocks.
  • hogan.js - Twitter's small, fast, phase-separated compiler for Mustache templates.
  • EJS - Simple unopinionated templating language.
  • Jade - High-performance template engine heavily influenced by Haml.

Web frameworks

  • Koa - A new web framework designed by the team behind Express, which aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs.
  • Express - A minimal and flexible web application framework, providing a robust set of features for building single and multi-page, and hybrid web applications.
  • Feathers - A minimal and flexible microservice framework built in the spirit of Express.
  • Hapi - A rich framework for building applications and services.
  • LoopBack - Powerful framework for creating REST APIs and easily connecting to backend data sources.
  • Meteor - An ultra-simple, database-everywhere, data-on-the-wire, pure-Javascript web framework. (You might like awesome-meteor)
  • SailsJS - An MVC web framework with a modern twist, supporting WebSockets, streams, and a data-driven API.
  • Restify - A node framework built specifically to enable you to build correct REST web services.
  • Interfake - Rapid prototyping framework for making mock HTTP APIs, with a Node.js, command-line and HTTP interface.
  • Derby - MVC framework, making it easy to write realtime, collaborative applications that run in both Node.js and browsers.
  • Restberry - Framework for setting up RESTful JSON APIs, applied to your database models without needing to write any code.
  • Catberry - Framework with Flux architecture, isomorphic web-components, and progressive rendering.
  • ThinkJS - Framework with ES2015+ support, WebSockets, REST API.


  • Docco - A quick-and-dirty documentation generator which produces an HTML document that displays your comments intermingled with your code.
  • JSDoc - API documentation generator similar to JavaDoc or PHPDoc.
  • dox - JavaScript documentation generator using Markdown and JSDoc.
  • jsdox - JSDoc3 to Markdown documentation generator.
  • apiDoc - Inline documentation for RESTful web APIs.
  • documentation.js - API documentation generator with support for ES2015+ and flow annotation.
  • YUIDoc - Generates API documentation from comments in source.


  • del - Delete files/folders using globs.
  • globby - Glob files with support for multiple patterns.
  • cpy - Copy files.
  • rimraf - Recursively delete files like rm -rf.
  • mkdirp - Recursively create directories like mkdir -p.
  • graceful-fs - Drop-in replacement for the fs module with various improvements.
  • chokidar - Filesystem watcher which stabilizes events from fs.watch and fs.watchFile as well as using native fsevents on OS X.
  • find-up - Find a file by walking up parent directories.
  • load-json-file - Read and parse a JSON file.
  • write-json-file - Stringify and write JSON to a file atomically.
  • fs-write-stream-atomic - Like fs.createWriteStream(), but atomic.
  • filenamify - Convert a string to a valid filename.
  • lnfs - Force create symlinks like ln -fs.
  • istextorbinary - Check if a file is text or binary.
  • fs-jetpack - Completely redesigned file system API for convenience in everyday use.
  • fs-extra - Extra methods for the fs module.
  • pkg-dir - Find the root directory of an npm package.

Control flow

  • Promises
    • Bluebird - A fully featured promise library with focus on innovative features and performance.
    • pinkie-promise - Promise ponyfill.
    • pify - Promisify a callback-style function.
    • rfpify - Promisify a result-first callback-style function.
    • delay - Delay a promise a specified amount of time.
  • Callbacks
    • each-async - Async concurrent iterator like forEach.
    • async - Provides straight-forward, powerful functions for working with asynchronicity.
    • async-chainable - Chainable, pluggable async functionality.
    • after-all-results - Bundle results of async functions calls into one callback with all the results.
  • Generators
    • co - The ultimate generator based flow-control goodness.
    • suspend - Generator-based control flow that plays nice with callbacks, promises, and thunks.
    • bluebird-co - A set of high performance yield handlers for Bluebird coroutines.
  • Streams
    • Highland.js - Manages synchronous and asynchronous code easily, using nothing more than standard JavaScript and Node-like Streams.
  • Channels
    • js-csp - Communicating sequential processes for JavaScript (like Clojurescript core.async, or Go).
  • Other
    • zone - Provides a way to group and track resources and errors across asynchronous operations.


  • through2 - Tiny wrapper around streams2 Transform to avoid explicit subclassing noise.
  • from2 - Convenience wrapper for ReadableStream, inspired by through2.
  • get-stream - Get a stream as a string or buffer.
  • concat-stream - Concatenates a stream into strings or binary data.
  • into-stream - Convert a buffer/string/array/object into a stream.
  • duplexify - Turn a writeable and readable stream into a single streams2 duplex stream.
  • pumpify - Combine an array of streams into a single duplex stream.
  • peek-stream - Transform stream that lets you peek the first line before deciding how to parse it.
  • binary-split - A fast newline (or any delimiter) splitter stream.
  • byline - Super-simple line-by-line Stream reader.
  • first-chunk-stream - Transform the first chunk in a stream.
  • pad-stream - Pad each line in a stream.
  • multistream - Combine multiple streams into a single stream.
  • stream-combiner2 - Turn a pipeline into a single stream.
  • readable-stream - Mirror of Streams2 and Streams3 implementations in core.
  • through2-concurrent - Transform object streams concurrently.
  • graphicsmagick-stream - Fast conversion/scaling of images using a pool of long lived GraphicsMagick processes.


  • Socket.io - Enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication.
  • SockJS - Low latency, full duplex, cross-domain channel browser-server, with WebSockets or without.
  • Faye - Real-time client-server message bus, based on Bayeux protocol.
  • SocketCluster - Scalable HTTP + WebSocket engine which can run on multiple CPU cores.
  • Primus - An abstraction layer for real-time frameworks to prevent module lock-in.
  • Straw - Real-time dataflow framework.


  • sharp - The fastest module for resizing JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images.
  • image-type - Detect the image type of a Buffer/Uint8Array.
  • gm - GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick wrapper.
  • lwip - Lightweight image processor which does not require ImageMagick.
  • pica - High quality & fast resize (lanczos3) in pure JS. Alternative to canvas drawImage(), when no pixelation allowed.
  • jimp - Image processing in pure JavaScript.
  • is-progressive - Check if a JPEG image is progressive.
  • probe-image-size - Get the size of most image formats without a full download.


  • Underscore.string - Collection of string manipulation utilities.
  • iconv-lite - Convert character encodings.
  • repeating - Repeat a string.
  • string-length - Get the real length of a string - by correctly counting astral symbols and ignoring ansi escape codes.
  • camelcase - Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase: foo-bar → fooBar.
  • escape-string-regexp - Escape RegExp special characters.
  • execall - Find multiple RegExp matches in a string.
  • splice-string - Remove or replace part of a string like Array#splice.
  • indent-string - Indent each line in a string.
  • strip-indent - Strip leading whitespace from every line in a string.
  • detect-indent - Detect the indentation of code.
  • he - A robust HTML entity encoder/decoder.
  • i18n-node - Simple translation module with dynamic JSON storage.
  • babelfish - i18n with very easy syntax for plurals.
  • parse-columns - Parse text columns, like the output of Unix commands.
  • hanging-indent - Format a string into a hanging-indented paragraph.
  • matcher - Simple wildcard matching.


  • random-int - Generate a random integer.
  • random-float - Generate a random float.
  • unique-random - Generate random numbers that are consecutively unique.
  • round-to - Round a number to a specific number of decimal places: 1.2341.2.




Data validation

  • joi - Object schema description language and validator for JavaScript objects.
  • is-my-json-valid - JSON Schema validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast.
  • property-validator - Easy property validation for Express.


  • remark - Markdown processor powered by plugins.
  • markdown-it - A very fast markdown parser with 100% CommonMark support, extensions and syntax plugins.
  • parse5 - Fast full-featured spec compliant HTML parser.
  • strip-json-comments - Strip comments from JSON.
  • strip-css-comments - Strip comments from CSS.
  • parse-json - Parse JSON with more helpful errors.
  • URI.js - URL mutation.
  • PostCSS - CSS parser / stringifier.
  • JSONStream - Streaming JSON.parse and stringify.
  • csv-parser - Streaming CSV parser that aims to be faster than everyone else.
  • neat-csv - Fast CSV parser. Callback interface for the above.
  • PEG.js - Simple parser generator that produces fast parsers with excellent error reporting.
  • x-ray - A web scraping utility to see through the <html> noise.
  • nearley - Simple, fast, powerful parsing for JavaScript.
  • binary-extract - Extract a value from a buffer of JSON without parsing the whole thing.
  • json-mask - Tiny language and engine for selecting parts of an object, hiding/masking the rest.
  • Stylecow - Parse, manipulate and convert modern CSS to make it compatible with all browsers. Extensible with plugins.
  • js-yaml - Very fast YAML parser.
  • excel-stream - Streaming Excel spreadsheet to JSON parser.
  • xml2js - XML to JavaScript object converter.
  • Jison - Friendly JavaScript parser generator. It shares genes with Bison, Yacc and family.


  • pretty-bytes - Convert bytes to a human readable string: 13371.34 kB.
  • pretty-ms - Convert milliseconds to a human readable string: 133700000015d 11h 23m 20s.
  • ms - Tiny millisecond conversion utility.
  • pretty-error - Errors with less clutter.
  • humanize - Data formatter for human readability.
  • read-art - Extract readable content from any page.


  • Archiver - Streaming interface for archive generation, supporting ZIP and TAR.
  • decompress-zip - Unzip.
  • pako - High speed zlib port to pure js (deflate, inflate, gzip).
  • tar-stream - Streaming tar parser and generator. Also see tar-fs.
  • decompress - A pluggable decompression module with support for tar, tar.gz and zip files out of the box.


  • get-port - Get an available port.
  • ipify - Get your public IP address.
  • getmac - Get the computer MAC address.


  • Drivers
  • ODM / ORM
    • Bookshelf - ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 in the style of Backbone.js.
    • Massive - PostgreSQL data access tool.
    • Mongoose - Elegant MongoDB object modeling.
    • Sequelize - Multi-dialect ORM. Supports PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL.
    • Waterline - Datastore-agnostic tool that dramatically simplifies interaction with one or more databases.
    • Iridium - A high performance MongoDB ORM with support for promises, distributed caching, preprocessing, validation and plugins.
    • OpenRecord - ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite3 and RESTful datastores. Similar to ActiveRecord.
    • orm2 - ORM for PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, Amazon Redshift, SQLite, MongoDB.
    • firenze - Adapter-based ORM for MySQL, Memory, Redis, localStorage and more.
  • Query builder
    • Knex - A query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.
  • Other
    • NeDB - Embedded persistent database written in JavaScript.


  • AVA - Futuristic test runner.
  • tap - A TAP test framework.
  • tape - TAP-producing test harness.
  • Mocha - A feature-rich test framework making asynchronous testing simple and fun.
  • power-assert - Provides descriptive assertion messages through the standard assert interface.
  • Mochify - TDD with Browserify, Mocha, PhantomJS and WebDriver.
  • trevor - Run tests against multiple versions of Node.js without switching versions manually or pushing to Travis CI.
  • loadtest - Run load tests for your web application, with an API for automation.
  • istanbul - A code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests.
  • nyc - Code coverage tool built on istanbul that works with subprocesses.
  • Sinon.JS - Test spies, stubs and mocks.
  • navit - PhantomJS / SlimerJS wrapper to simplify browser test scripting.
  • nock - HTTP mocking and expectations.
  • intern - A next-generation code testing stack for JavaScript.
  • toxy - Hackable HTTP proxy to simulate failure scenarios and network conditions.
  • hook-std - Hook and modify stdout/stderr.
  • testen - Run tests for multiple versions of Node.js locally with NVM.


  • Benchmark.js - A robust benchmarking library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms, supports high-resolution timers, and returns statistically significant results.
  • matcha - A caffeine-driven, simplistic approach to benchmarking.



  • Passport - Simple, unobtrusive authentication.
  • everyauth - Authentication and authorization (password, Facebook, etc) for your Connect and Express apps.
  • passwordless - Token-based authentication middleware for Express allowing authentication without passwords.
  • Lockit - Full featured authentication solution for Express. Supports a variety of databases, predefined routes, email and two-factor authentication.
  • Grant - OAuth middleware for Express, Koa, and Hapi.


  • Nodemailer - The fastest way to handle email.
  • emailjs - Send text/HTML emails with attachments to any SMTP server.

Job queues

  • kue - Priority job queue backed by Redis.
  • bull - Persistent job and message queue.

Node.js management

  • n - Node.js version management.
  • nave - Virtual Environments for Node.js.
  • nodeenv - A Node.js virtual environment compatible to Python's virtualenv.
  • nvm for Windows - Version management for Windows.


Natural language processing

  • retext - An extensible natural language system.
  • franc - Detect the language of text.
  • leven - Measure the difference between two strings using the Levenshtein distance algorithm.
  • natural - A general natural language facility.

Process management

  • PM2 - Advanced Process Manager.
  • node-windows - Run scripts as a native Windows service and log to the Event viewer.
  • node-mac - Run scripts as a native Mac daemon and log to the console app.
  • node-linux - Run scripts as native system service and log to syslog.
  • forever - A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever).
  • nodemon - Monitor for changes in your app and automatically restart the server.
  • supervisor - Restart scripts when they crash or restart when a *.js file changes.
  • Phusion Passenger - Friendly process manager that integrates directly into Nginx.
  • naught - Process manager with zero downtime deployment.


  • robotjs - Desktop Automation: control the mouse, keyboard and read the screen.


  • Acorn - A tiny, fast JavaScript parser.
  • Rocambole - Recursively walk and transform JavaScript AST.

Static site generators

  • Metalsmith - An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.
  • Wintersmith - Flexible, minimalistic, multi-platform static site generator.
  • Assemble - Static site generator for Node.js, Grunt.js, and Yeoman.
  • DocPad - Static site generator with dynamic abilities and huge plugin ecosystem.

Content management systems

  • KeystoneJS - CMS and web application platform built on Express and MongoDB.
  • Calipso - A simple content management system, built along similar themes to Drupal and Wordpress, that is designed to be fast, flexible and simple.
  • Apostrophe2 - A content management system with an emphasis on intuitive front end content editing and administration built on Express and MongoDB.


  • nodeBB - A better forum platform for the modern web.


  • ghost - Simple, powerful publishing platform that allows you to share your story with the world.
  • Hexo - Fast, simple and powerful blogging framework.



  • execa - A better child_process.
  • cheerio - Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
  • Electron - Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies. (You might like awesome-electron)
  • opn - Opens stuff like websites, files, executables.
  • hasha - Hashing made simple. Get the hash of a buffer/string/stream/file.
  • dot-prop - Get a property from a nested object using a dot path.
  • onetime - Only run a function once.
  • mem - Memoize functions - an optimization technique used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical input.
  • require-uncached - Require a module bypassing the cache.
  • stringify-object - Stringify an object/array like JSON.stringify just without all the double-quotes.
  • strip-bom - Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a string/buffer/stream.
  • deep-assign - Recursive Object.assign().
  • os-locale - Get the system locale.
  • nan - A header file filled with macro and utility goodness for making add-on development for across Node.js versions easier.
  • multiline - Multiline strings in JavaScript.
  • ssh2 - An SSH2 client and server module.
  • adit - SSH tunneling made simple.
  • lazy-req - Require modules lazily.
  • file-type - Detect the file type of a Buffer.
  • Bottleneck - A powerful rate limiter that makes throttling easy.
  • webworker-threads - Lightweight Web Worker API implementation with native threads.
  • node-pre-gyp - Makes it easy to publish and install Node.js C++ addons from binaries.
  • opencv - Bindings for OpenCV. The defacto computer vision library.
  • common-errors - Common error classes and utility functions.
  • agenda - Lightweight job scheduling on MongoDB.
  • dotenv - Load environment variables from .env file.
  • remote-git-tags - Get tags from a remote git repo.
  • semver - semver parser.
  • nar - Create self-contained executable binaries.
  • node-bell - Real-time anomalies detection for periodic time series.
  • Faker.js - Generate massive amounts of fake data.
  • nodegit - Native bindings to Git.
  • json-strictify - Safely serialize a value to JSON without data loss or going into an infinite loop.
  • parent-module - Get the path of the parent module.
  • resolve-from - Resolve the path of a module like require.resolve() but from a given path.