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A sample form registration from Python using tkinterTkinter-GUI
GUI program using tkinterFace-and-eyes-detector-on-raspberrypi3
Face and eyes detector on raspberrypi3 where there will be two camera color. One is natural and another is balck and white. For the face detection there is a box available where your eyes and mouth are verified.Game-
Normal game by pythonOffice-management-system
Office management system is based on C# programming language with Oracle as a database.ButtonBlink-Project-In-Python
ButtonBlink in python is used to blink the light that is connected to raspberrypiCalculator
GUI calculator - Using Python-tkinterAttendance-Recording-System
Attendance Recording System is for recording an attendance of office staffs in any company.web1
Responsive front End website is developed using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap and JqueryA-notepad-layout
A sample GUI layoutListView-Using-Android
Listing the items on androidMath-Python
Mathematics program is done with validation on PythonThreading-in-python
Threading in python is one of the best part as you can do multitask. Threading.thread() is used on it.Hotel_TempleTree-
Website sampleMouse-Click-Events
Mouse click events using tkintertkinter4
form with checkbuttonImage-and-video-analysis
Image and video analysis on raspberrypi3Space-Attack
A simple UNITY game for beginners.Hospital-Management-System
Hospital Management System is a software based on .NET framework.hello
GYM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING CAccelerometer-Based-Gesture-Control-Robot
Accelerometer Based Gesture Control Robot in androidLogin-system
Login system using C programmingPet-Medicine-website
It is a medicinal website for pet, which provides an alternative way of diagnosing and treating different animals.Student-Attendance-System-in-C-with-SQL-Server
Student Attendance System is the web based application. This is an entire ASP .net project with the Microsoft SQL Server used as database. Also, this attendance project is composed in Visual Studio 2017.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us