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.NET DevPack Identity is a set of common implementations to help you implementing Identity, Jwt, claims validation and another facilities

.NET DevPack

What is the .NET DevPack.Identity?

.NET DevPack Identity is a set of common implementations to help you implementing ASP.NET Identity, JWT, claims validation and another facilities

Codacy Badge Build status .NET Core License

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NetDevPack.Identity NuGet Nuget

.NET DevPack.Identity can be installed in your ASP.NET Core application using the Nuget package manager or the dotnet CLI.

dotnet add package NetDevPack.Identity

If you want to use our IdentityDbContext (ASP.NET Identity standard) you will need to create the Identity tables. Set your connection string in the appsettings.json and follow the next steps:

Add the IdentityDbContext configuration in your startup.cs:

services.AddIdentityEntityFrameworkContextConfiguration(options => 

Note: You must inform the namespace to avoid migration errors

Note: You must install the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer or another provider like Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL package to have support from your database. Find the package for your database here

Add the Identity configuration in ConfigureServices method of your startup.cs:


Note: This extension returns an IdentityBuilder to allow you extending the configuration

Add the Identity configuration in Configure method of your startup.cs:


Note: This method need to be set between app.UseRouting() and app.UseEndpoints()

Run the command to generate the migration files:

dotnet ef migrations add Initial --context NetDevPackAppDbContext --project <Your patch>/<Your Project>.csproj

Run the command to generate the database:

dotnet ef database update --context NetDevPackAppDbContext --project <Your patch>/<Your Project>.csproj

Note: If are you using your own IdentityDbContext you must change the NetDevPackAppDbContext value to your context class name in the commands above.

After execute this steps you will be all set to use the Identity in your Application.

Configuring JWT

If you want to generate JSON Web Tokens in your application you need to add the JWT configuration in ConfigureServices method of your startup.cs


Set your appsettings.json file with this values:

"AppJwtSettings": {
    "Audience": "MyApplication.Name"

It's possible to configure some aspects of token

Key Meaning Default
Expiration Expiration time (in hours) 1
Issuer The party that "created" the token and signed it with its private key. Usually the application Url Get current root Url from HttpContext
Audience API's that should accept the token. E.g your application Main name. NetDevPack
RefreshTokenExpiration Refresh token expiration (In Days) 30
RefreshTokenType OneTime or ReUse 30
SecretKey Deprecated Is your key to build JWT. Read notes Do not use it

Note: Now we are using NetDevPack.Security.Jwt to generate and Store your keys. It generate a RSA 2048 by default. You can check the project for more info.

Generating JWT

You will need to set a single dependency in your Authentication Controller:

public AuthController(IJwtBuilder jwtBuilder)
    _jwtBuilder = jwtBuilder;

After user register or login process you can generate a JWT to respond the request. Use our implementation, you just need inform the user email and the dependencies injected in your controller:

return _jwtBuilder

Note: This builder can return a single string with JWT or a complex object UserResponse if you want return more data than a single JWT string.

Adding Claims to your JWT

You can call more methods in JwtBuilder to provide more information about the user:

return _jwtBuilder
Method Meaning
WithJwtClaims() Claims of JWT like sub, jti, nbf and others
WithUserClaims() The user claims registered in AspNetUserClaims table
WithUserRoles() The user roles (as claims) registered in AspNetUserRoles table
BuildToken() Build and return the JWT as single string

If you want return your complex object UserResponse you need to change the last method to:

return _jwtBuilder


Use the sample application to understand how NetDevPack.Identity can be implemented and help you to decrease the complexity of your application and development time.


The NetDevPack.Identity was developed to be implemented in ASP.NET Core. It support all .NET versions since 3.1.


.NET DevPack.Identity was developed by Eduardo Pires under the MIT license.