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📚 A collection of Deep Learning based Image Colorization and Video Colorization papers.



A collection of Deep Learning based Image Colorization papers and corresponding source code/demo program, including Automatic and User Guided (i.e. with User Interaction) colorization, as well as video colorization.

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1. Automatic Image Colorization

  • Software / Demo
Name Author/Owner Code/Project Link
DeOldify Jason Antic [link]
Palette.fm Emil Wallner [link]
  • Papers
Paper Source Code/Project Link
Learning Large-Scale Automatic Image Colorization ICCV 2015 [project] [code]
Deep Colorization ICCV 2015
Learning Representations for Automatic Colorization ECCV 2016 [project] [code]
Colorful Image Colorization ECCV 2016 [project] [code]
Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification SIGGRAPH 2016 [project] [code]
Learning Diverse Image Colorization CVPR 2017 [code]
Structural Consistency and Controllability for Diverse Colorization ECCV 2018
Coloring With Limited Data: Few-Shot Colorization via Memory Augmented Networks CVPR 2019 [project]

[code (PyTorch)]
ChromaGAN: Adversarial Picture Colorization with Semantic Class Distribution WACV 2020 [code]
Instance-aware Image Colorization CVPR 2020 [code] [project]
Pixelated Semantic Colorization IJCV 2020
Colorization Transformer ICLR 2021 [code]
Focusing on Persons: Colorizing Old Images Learning from Modern Historical Movies ACM MM 2021 [code]
Towards Vivid and Diverse Image Colorization with Generative Color Prior ICCV 2021 [code]
SCSNet: An Efficient Paradigm for Learning Simultaneously Image Colorization and Super-Resolution (also reference based) AAAI 2022
Bridging the Domain Gap towards Generalization in Automatic Colorization ECCV 2022 [code]
ColorFormer: Image Colorization via Color Memory assisted Hybrid-attention Transformer ECCV 2022
BigColor: Colorization using a Generative Color Prior for Natural Images ECCV 2022 [project] [code]
CT2: Colorization Transformer via Color Tokens ECCV 2022 [code]
Disentangled Image Colorization via Global Anchors SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 [code] [project]
UniColor: A Unified Framework for Multi-Modal Colorization with Transformer (also multi-modal) SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 [project]
Improved Diffusion-based Image Colorization via Piggybacked Models arxiv 23.04 [project]

2. User Guided Image Colorization

2.1 Based on scribble

  • Software / Demo
Image Type Name Author/Owner Code/Project Link
Line art Petalica Paint (Old version: PaintsChainer) Preferred Networks, Inc. [Petalica Paint (Online service)] [PaintsChainer V1 code]
Line art Style2Paints (SEPA) Style2Paints Research [link]
  • Papers
Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Manga Manga colorization SIGGRAPH 2006 [Project]
Line art / Sketch / Manga LazyBrush: Flexible Painting Tool for Hand-drawn Cartoons Eurographics 2009 [Project Home & Software]

Line art / Sketch Outline Colorization through Tandem Adversarial Networks 1704.08834 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Real-Time User-Guided Image Colorization with Learned Deep Priors SIGGRAPH 2017 [project] [code1] [code2]
Sketch Scribbler: Controlling Deep Image Synthesis with Sketch and Color CVPR 2017
Line art / Sketch Auto-painter: Cartoon Image Generation from Sketch by Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks Neurocomputing 2018 [code]
Line art User-Guided Deep Anime Line Art Colorization with Conditional Adversarial Networks ACM MM 2018 [code]
Line art Two-stage Sketch Colorization SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 [Project]
Line art User-Guided Line Art Flat Filling with Split Filling Mechanism CVPR 2021 [Project] [code]
Line art Dual Color Space Guided Sketch Colorization TIP 2021
Natural Gray-Scale iColoriT: Towards Propagating Local Hint to the Right Region in Interactive Colorization by Leveraging Vision Transformer WACV 2023 [project] [code]

2.2 Based on reference image

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Manga Comicolorization: Semi-Automatic Manga Colorization SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Technical Briefs [code]
Sketch TextureGAN: Controlling Deep Image Synthesis with Texture Patches CVPR 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Deep Exemplar-based Colorization SIGGRAPH 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Example-Based Colourization Via Dense Encoding Pyramids (also palette based) Pacific Graphics 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale A Superpixel-based Variational Model for Image Colorization TVCG 2019
Natural Gray-Scale Automatic Example-based Image Colourisation using Location-Aware Cross-Scale Matching TIP 2019
Line art / Sketch Adversarial Colorization Of Icons Based On Structure And Color Conditions ACM MM 2019 [Code]
Line art / Sketch Reference-Based Sketch Image Colorization using Augmented-Self Reference and Dense Semantic Correspondence CVPR 2020 [project]
Natural Gray-Scale Stylization-Based Architecture for Fast Deep Exemplar Colorization CVPR 2020 [code]
Manga Manga Filling Style Conversion with Screentone Variational Autoencoder SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 [project]
Line art / Sketch Colorization of Line Drawings with Empty Pupils PG 2020
Line art / Sketch Active Colorization for Cartoon Line Drawings TVCG 2020
Natural Gray-Scale Gray2ColorNet: Transfer More Colors from Reference Image ACM MM 2020
Line art / Sketch Line Art Correlation Matching Feature Transfer Network for Automatic Animation Colorization WACV 2021
Natural Gray-Scale Globally and Locally Semantic Colorization via Exemplar-Based Broad-GAN TIP 2021
Natural Gray-Scale Yes, "Attention Is All You Need", for Exemplar based Colorization ACM MM 2021
Natural Gray-Scale SCSNet: An Efficient Paradigm for Learning Simultaneously Image Colorization and Super-Resolution (also automatic) AAAI 2022
Line art / Sketch Style-Structure Disentangled Features and Normalizing Flows for Diverse Icon Colorization CVPR 2022
Line art / Sketch Eliminating Gradient Conflict in Reference-based Line-Art Colorization ECCV 2022 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Semantic-Sparse Colorization Network for Deep Exemplar-based Colorization ECCV 2022
Line art / Sketch AnimeDiffusion: Anime Face Line Drawing Colorization via Diffusion Models arxiv 23.03 [code]

2.3 Based on palette

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Natural Image Palette-based Photo Recoloring SIGGRAPH 2015 [project]
Natural Gray-Scale Coloring with Words: Guiding Image Colorization Through Text-based Palette Generation (also text based) ECCV 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Example-Based Colourization Via Dense Encoding Pyramids (also reference based) Pacific Graphics 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale PalGAN: Image Colorization with Palette Generative Adversarial Networks ECCV 2022 [code]

2.4 Based on language or text

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Natural Gray-Scale / Sketch Language-Based Image Editing with Recurrent Attentive Models CVPR 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Coloring with Words: Guiding Image Colorization Through Text-based Palette Generation (also palette based) ECCV 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Learning to Color from Language NAACL 2018 [code]
Line art Tag2Pix: Line Art Colorization Using Text Tag With SECat and Changing Loss ICCV 2019 [code] [code2 (GUI)]
Scene Sketch Language-based Colorization of Scene Sketches SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 [code] [project]
Natural Gray-Scale L-CoDe: Language-based Colorization using Color-object Decoupled Conditions AAAI 2022 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale L-CoDer: Language-based Colorization with Color-object Decoupling Transformer ECCV 2022 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale L-CoIns: Language-based Colorization with Instance Awareness CVPR 2023

2.5 Multi-modal (Joint inputs)

Image Type Paper Input Source Code/Project Link
Natural Gray-Scale Interactive Deep Colorization Using Simultaneous Global and Local Inputs stroke + palette ICASSP 2019
Natural Gray-Scale UniColor: A Unified Framework for Multi-Modal Colorization with Transformer stroke + exemplar + text SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 [project]

2.6 Interactive Colorization

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Line art Guiding Users to Where to Give Color Hints for Efficient Interactive Sketch Colorization via Unsupervised Region Prioritization WACV 2023

3. Techniques of Improving Image Colorization

Paper Source Code/Project Link
Deep Edge-Aware Interactive Colorization against Color-Bleeding Effects ICCV 2021 [project] [code(metric)]
Line Art Colorization Based on Explicit Region Segmentation Pacific Graphics 2021 [code]

4. Video Colorization

4.1 Automatically

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Natural Gray-Scale Fully Automatic Video Colorization with Self-Regularization and Diversity CVPR 2019 [code]

4.2 Based on reference

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Natural Gray-Scale Switchable Temporal Propagation Network ECCV 2018
Natural Gray-Scale Tracking Emerges by Colorizing Videos ECCV 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Deep Exemplar-based Video Colorization CVPR 2019 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale DeepRemaster: Temporal Source-Reference Attention Networks for Comprehensive Video Enhancement SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 [code] [project]
Natural Gray-Scale Reference-Based Video Colorization with Spatiotemporal Correspondence 2011.12528
Line art The Animation Transformer: Visual Correspondence via Segment Matching ICCV 2021 [App]
Line art Line Art Correlation Matching Feature Transfer Network for Automatic Animation Colorization WACV 2021
Line art Reference-Based Deep Line Art Video Colorization TVCG 2022
Natural Gray-Scale BiSTNet: Semantic Image Prior Guided Bidirectional Temporal Feature Fusion for Deep Exemplar-based Video Colorization arxiv 22.12 [code] [project]
Natural Gray-Scale Exemplar-based Video Colorization with Long-term Spatiotemporal Dependency arxiv 23.03

4.3 Based on scribble

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Natural Gray-Scale SVCNet: Scribble-based Video Colorization Network with Temporal Aggregation TIP 2023 [code]

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