Auto-Dark for Emacs
Do you want Emacs to follow your MacOS/Linux/Windows Dark-mode on/off options?
This is it. This program lets Emacs change between 2 user defined (customizable) themes to be automatically changed when Dark Mode set on/off on MacOS/Linux/Windows. For now it supports Linux through Gnome and Termux(Android).
By default, themes are wombat and leuven, since these are bundled with Emacs.
Install it from MELPA and add to your .emacs
(require 'auto-dark)
(auto-dark-mode t)
Or simply copy the auto-dark.el file to ~/.emacs.d/auto-dark/auto-dark.el
(or clone this repository there), and then add the following to your .emacs
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/auto-dark/")
(require 'auto-dark)
(auto-dark-mode t)
Or use use-package
to install:
(use-package auto-dark
:config (auto-dark-mode t))
If you use Spacemacs, add (auto-dark)
to the dotspacemacs-additional-packages
list and add the following to dotspacemacs/user-config
(use-package auto-dark
:init (spacemacs/defer-until-after-user-config (lambda () (auto-dark-mode t)))
:defer t)
This ensures that auto-dark-mode
is activated only after spacemacs's built-in theme loading logic.
Doom Emacs
If you use Doom Emacs, the following config should do the trick
;; In your packages.el
(package! auto-dark)
;; In your config.el
(after! doom-ui
;; set your favorite themes
(setq! auto-dark-dark-theme 'doom-one
auto-dark-light-theme 'doom-one-light)
(auto-dark-mode 1))
Change your dark-mode settings on MacOS/Linux/Windows and let the magic happens :D
The light/dark themes can be customized using the Emacs customization system. M-x customize-group auto-dark
You can also take advantage of the hooks auto-dark-dark-mode-hook
and auto-dark-light-mode-hook
to make it even further
customizable. Take a look at this article on how to Integrate
Catppuccin with
OSA Script fallback (macOS)
For terminal-based emacs, it is possible to check dark mode status using osascript rather than relying on the built-in Applescript support that GUI Emacs provides. To enable it, customize dark-mode-allow-osascript
and set it to t
This package in action:
- macOS
- Linux (Gnome DE)