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bionic-like reading inside Neovim


bionic-like reading in Neovim.

demo gif

Get through that pesky wall of text a little easier!


  • Custom highlighting amounts and style
  • Saccade interval and line reset
  • Update during insert mode
  • Default file types


Install using your preferred package manager.

Example with packer.nvim

use {


If you are okay with the defaults, just calling setup is enough.

-- Default configuration
    hlValues = {
        ['1'] = 1,
        ['2'] = 1,
        ['3'] = 2,
        ['4'] = 2,
        ['fallback'] = 0.4
    hlgroupOptions = { link = 'Bold' },
    fileTypes = { 'text' },
    saccadeInterval = 0,
    saccadeReset = false,
    updateWhileInsert = true


  • hlValues

This table determines how many characters of a word to highlight based on word length. Lengths represented by string indexes are explicitly defined.

Any other word lengths use the fallback value, between 0 and 1, representing how much of a word to highlight. 0.3 highlights 30% of the word, 0.4 highlights 40%, etc.

  • hlgroupOptions

This table is passed to nvim_set_hl() as the {val} parameter. See :h nvim_set_hl() for more information.

  • fileTypes

Table of file types to have easyread automatically highlight. Can be set to none with:

    fileTypes = {}
  • saccadeInterval

How many words go unhighlighted between highlighted words.

  • saccadeReset

Whether to reset the saccadeInterval on each line.

  • updateWhileInsert

Whether to update highlighting while in insert mode.


easyread provides several user commands:

  • :EasyreadToggle switches the current buffer between highlighted and not.
  • :EasyreadSaccadeInterval {num} sets the saccade interval to the given number.
  • :EasyreadSaccadeReset toggles the saccade line reset behaiour.
  • :EasyreadUpdateWhileInsert toggles updating highlights during insert mode.


Theme used in demo gif is kanagawa

Check out my other plugin flote.nvim