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    MIT License
  • Created almost 8 years ago
  • Updated over 2 years ago


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Repository Details

A simple E-commerce website using Flask

Shopping Cart

A simple E-commerce website using Flask.


  1. Python3
  2. Flask
  3. Sqlite

How to run

  1. Set up database by running database.py (Or you can reuse existing database included in the repo)
  2. Run main.py
  3. Enter localhost:5000 in the browser

Pipenv instructions

  1. Install pipenv (python3 -m pip install --user pipenv)
  2. Install dependencies (pipenv install --dev)
  3. Setup database (pipenv run python database.py)
  4. Run the server (pipenv run python main.py)
  5. Enter localhost:5000 in the browser

Sample User

Sample credentials present in existing database: Username - [email protected] Password - sample