Velcro Physics (Formerly Farseer Physics)
Warning: Under construction
The project is under development. Consider donating to support the effort.
What is this?
Velcro Physics is a high performance 2D collision detection system with realistic physics responses. It can be used to create games or real-time robotic simulations.
What is it good for?
You can create a game, robotic simulatons or even UI feedback systems using this engine and associated tools. Everything from a simple platform game to Marsrover simulations are possible.
We have tons of features!
- Continuous collision detection (with time of impact solver)
- Contact callbacks: begin, end, pre-solve, post-solve
- Convex and concave polygons and circles.
- Multiple shapes per body
- Dynamic tree and quad tree broadphase
- Fast broadphase AABB queries and raycasts
- Collision groups and categories
- Sleep management
- Friction and restitution
- Stable stacking with a linear-time solver
- Revolute, prismatic, distance, pulley, gear, mouse joint, and other joint types
- Joint limits and joint motors
- Controllers (gravity, force generators)
- Tools to decompose concave polygons, find convex hulls and boolean operations
- Factories to simplify the creation of bodies
You can use VelcroPhysics as a normal .NET library. We also have zero-copy integration with MonoGame.
Sponsored Project
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