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Application made with Next Js and React with the interface of an online store or e-commerce websiteReact-API-Breaking-Bad-quotes
Web application that shows Breaking Bad phrases through an apiMERN-Proyects-and-Tasks.
my first app with reactmern-calendar-app
Aplicaci贸n web realizada con la pila MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node)login-signup-floating
HTML5, CSS3 AND JavaScript login and user registrationsimple-website-with-nodejs
# my First Nodejs/Express WebsiteExpress-MongoDB-Basic-functions-of-a-social-network-APP
Aplicacion que permite la subida de imagenes dar like y comentariosmern-proyects
Web application that uses the OMDB API to search for series and moviesReact-Beverage-recipe-finder
Web application that searches for recipes based on the ingredient and the drinkReact-simple-CRUD-with-TS
App that performs the basic operations of all CRUD with React and TSReact-search-posters-of-movies-series-video-games-with-OMDB
App that communicates with the OMDB API to search for movie, series and video game postersReact-Metflix
Recreation of the Netflix page made with React and Firebase as DatabaseNodejs-and-stripe-add-payment-method-to-a-product
Project in which a real payment method is added through a credit card to which it can be added or changed through strapiTest-Pokemon-react
Application that searches for giffs through an apiSign-In-Sign-Up-Form-Sliding
Responsive Login & Registration Form Using HTML & CSS & JS _ Sliding Sign In & Sign Up Formpokedex
Pokedex appReact-API-unsplash-Image-search-engine
Web application that searches for images through the unsplash APIReact-node-send
Aplicaci贸n web realizada con la pila MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) La parte del back-end para validar y revalidar los datos de los formularios de inicio de secion con JWT, ReactNodeSend te permite compartir archivos con cifrado de extremo a extremo y un archivo que es eliminado despu茅s de ser descargado. As铆 que puedes mantener lo que compartes en privado y asegurarte de que tus cosas no permanezcan en l铆nea para siempre.node-mongoDB-CRUD-and-uploading-images-to-Cloudinary
Application that allows us to upload images through node to MongoDB and an image upload service such as Cloudinary In addition to this it allows us to add a title and a description to each image which can be renamed as well as delete the images which will also be done in Cloudinarynode-MongoDB-CRUD-de-notas-registro-login-CRUD-ES6-
Esta es una aplicaci贸n b谩sica para gestionar notas simples en la web utilizando tecnolog铆as Javascript como Nodejs, Mongodb, y as铆 sucesivamente. Esta aplicaci贸n puede: crear/leer/actualizar/eliminar Notas Permite a un usuario iniciar sesi贸n y guardar sus notas personalesLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us