This Project is ready for Production. If you find any bug or have any suggestion please create an Issue.
Local Installation
- run
git clone
- run
composer install
- run
npm install
- run
npm run dev
- copy .env.example to .env
- run
php artisan key:generate
- set up your database in the .env
- run
php artisan migrate --seed
- run
php artisan storage:link
- run
php artisan serve
- then visit
http://localhost:8000 or
Important Note: "Triangle POS" uses Laravel Snappy Package for PDFs. If you are using Linux then no configuration is needed. But in other Operating Systems please refer to Laravel Snappy Documentation.
Admin Credentials
Email: [email protected] || Password: 12345678
Triangle POS Features
- Products Management & Barcode Printing
- Stock Management
- Make Quotation & Send Via Email
- Purchase Management
- Sale Management
- Purchase & Sale Return Management
- Expense Management
- Customer & Supplier Management
- User Management (Roles & Permissions)
- Product Multiple Images
- Multiple Currency Settings
- Unit Settings
- System Settings
- Reports