The Dolby MP4 streaming muxer (dlb_mp4base) is a software implementation of a muxer of fragmented or unfragmented ISO base media file format (mp4). It supports muxing of Dolby Digital (AC-3), Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3), and Dolby AC-4 audio formats as well as Dolby Vision.
Getting Started
These instructions will help you get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Folder Structure
The "dlb_mp4base" folder consists of:
- README.md This file.
- doc/ Doxygen documentation of the dlb_mp4base.
- frontend/ MP4Muxer frontend with corresponding EMA interface as source code.
- include/ Necessary header files of the dlb_mp4base library.
- make/ Makefiles and Visual Studio projects/solutions for building the Dolby MP4 multiplexer library with frontends and test harnesses.
- src/ Contains the MP4 multiplexer source code.
- test/ Test harnesses for unit and developer system tests including test signals.
For Windows platform development, Visual Studio 2010 must be installed with SP1.
Building instructions
Using the makefiles (on Linux and MacOS)
After cloning the dlb_mp4base repository to your local machine, go to the appropriate directory, depending on your machine OS and architecture, such as:
"cd dlb_mp4base/make/mp4muxer<architecture>"
Then build one of the following make targets:
"make mp4muxer_release"
"make mp4muxer_debug"
Using the Visual Studio Solutions(on Windows)
From a Visual Studio 2010 command line window:
Go to a directory of your choice
"cd dlb_mp4base\make\mp4muxer\mp4muxer<architecture>"
"devenv mp4muxer_2010.sln /rebuild debug/release"
Release Notes
See the Release Notes file for details
This project is licensed under the BSD-3 License - see the LICENSE file for details