A Neovim extension to highlight same-name identifiers with the same color.
Syntax highlighting is mostly based on element kinds of the abstract syntax tree. This sometimes leads to different visual representations of the same variable, consider this example:
Here, myParam
has the colors yellow and white, making it hard for the developer to recognise that both represent the same thing.
Now with markid, it's ensured that same-name identifiers are represented with the same color:
Here's a slightly more complicated example, try to track the flow of qux
Requirements: nvim-treesitter including a parser for your language
For vim-plug:
Plug 'David-Kunz/markid'
For packer:
use 'David-Kunz/markid'
Enable the nvim-treesitter plugin:
require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
markid = { enable = true }
These are the configuration options (with defaults):
local m = require'markid'
require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
markid = {
enable = true,
colors = m.colors.medium,
queries = m.queries,
is_supported = function(lang)
local queries = configs.get_module("markid").queries
return pcall(vim.treesitter.parse_query, lang, queries[lang] or queries['default'])
M.colors = {
dark = { "#619e9d", "#9E6162", "#81A35C", "#7E5CA3", "#9E9261", "#616D9E", "#97687B", "#689784", "#999C63", "#66639C" },
bright = {"#f5c0c0", "#f5d3c0", "#f5eac0", "#dff5c0", "#c0f5c8", "#c0f5f1", "#c0dbf5", "#ccc0f5", "#f2c0f5", "#98fc03" },
medium = { "#c99d9d", "#c9a99d", "#c9b79d", "#c9c39d", "#bdc99d", "#a9c99d", "#9dc9b6", "#9dc2c9", "#9da9c9", "#b29dc9" }
m.queries = {
default = '(identifier) @markid',
javascript = [[
(identifier) @markid
(property_identifier) @markid
(shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) @markid
m.queries.typescript = m.queries.javascript
The m.queries
table above can be used to define language-specific highlighting rules via custom Treesitter queries. Alternatively, markid can also source queries from standalone files located in your local runtime queries/
directory. Simply create a new directory in your nvim config folder for your language of choice, e.g. $HOME/.config/nvim/queries/python
, and write your query in a file called markid.scm
Custom Highlight Groups
For more control, you can define the highlight groups markid1
, markid2
, ..., markid10
, this is especially useful for theme designers.
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'markid1', { fg = '#c99d9d', bg = '#003844', underline = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'markid2', { fg = '#c9a99d', bg = '#003844', underline = true })
-- ...
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'markid10', { fg = '#c9b79d', bg = '#003844', underline = true })