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  • Created over 7 years ago
  • Updated 4 months ago


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Repository Details

Database wrapper and ORM for Crystal, inspired by Ecto




Build Status Join the chat at https://gitter.im/crecto/Lobby

Robust database wrapper for Crystal. Inspired by Ecto for Elixir language.

With built in query composer, associations, transactions, validations, constraints, and more.

Website with guides and examples - https://www.crecto.dev/


user = User.new
user.name = "Shakira"

changeset = Repo.insert(user)

inserted_user = changeset.instance
inserted_user.name = "Keanu"

changeset = Repo.update(user)

updated_user = changeset.instance

changeset = Repo.delete(updated_user)

Usage and Guides

New website and API docs coming soon!




Specs are located in the specs directory. Seeing as this is an ORM, running specs does require a database connection of some kind. Copy the spec/repo.example.cr file to spec/repo.cr and fill in the connection details for your database. Then run crystal spec to run the specs.

Specs for all three supported database types can be run using docker-compose. Simply run docker-compose up to start the database containers and run the specs.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/Crecto/crecto/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Development Notes

When developing against crecto, the database must exist prior to testing. There are migrations for each database type in spec/migrations, and references on how to migrate then in the .travis.yml file.

Create a new file spec/repo.cr and create a module name Repo to use for testing. There are example repos for each database type in the spec folder: travis_pg_repo.cr, travis_mysql_repo.cr, and travis_sqlite_repo.cr

When submitting a pull request, please test against all 3 databases.

Thanks / Inspiration