This is a personal shopping and inventory-tracking device based on the Raspberry Pi and off-the-shelf usb barcode scanners, with an option to share and contribute to the Open Product Data (POD) database of product barcodes, as part of the Saruzai Open Data project.
Quickstart (for the impatient)
Copy or download the pre-built ARM binaries onto your Raspberry Pi (runnning the Raspbian OS), and complete the post-install instructions.
More detailed instructions
Build your Raspberry Pi client from the ground up, either by:
- building from source; or
- using the pre-built ARM binaries
Run your own API server (optional, if you do not wish to share and contribute to the barcode data project)
- Github user danslimmon for his oscar project, which inspired this one
- Vojtech Pavlik for creating the Linux Input Driver project
- linuxquestions.org user bricedebrignaisplage for his post explaining how to read input devices
- Github user gvalkov for golang-evdev which proved invaluable in implementing the input_event struct in Go
- Github user rmulley for this gist which was helpful in creating the emailer package
- Russ Cox for his clear example of using Go template functions
- Dave Cheney for his article on installing Go on the Raspberry Pi