Recon MindMap (RMM)
Taking inspiration from the TBHM v4 recon edition by Jason Haddix
Workshop, I developed a command-line interface (CLI) tool that will simplify the task of organizing a list of domains and subdomains. The aim is to create a tool that can easily generate complex domain structures using mind mapping software such as Obsidian Mind Map or xmind.
Table of Contents
Build from source
You will need a working Go environment. Therefore, please follow How to install Go. Minimum version required is go1.19
Building Recon MindMap (RMM) binary to './rmm'
cp ./rmm /usr/bin/rmm
Build docker container
make docker
Run locally
rmm [options] <command>
server Start a RMM server (TODO).
update Update RMM binary (TODO).
-f, --file Filename from where to read input.
-h, --help Print command line options.
-v, --version Print version information.
-o, --output Display result in different formats list|markdown|json|yaml|obsidian (default: list)
Run inside docker
docker run alevsk/rmm:latest -h 18:34:54
rmm [options] <command>
server Start a RMM server (TODO).
update Update RMM binary (TODO).
-f, --file Filename from where to read input.
-h, --help Print command line options.
-v, --version Print version information.
-o, --output Display result in different formats list|markdown|json|yaml (default: list)
Provide a list of domains directly to RMM
and copy the result directly into your clipboard.
curl | ./rmm |
Open Xmind and paste the result directly into the mind map tool.
Obsidian Mind Map (plugin)
Provide a list of domains directly to RMM
, Obsidian requires the content to be in MarkDown
format for it to render (pass the -o markdown
flag), and copy the result directly into your clipboard.
curl | ./rmm -o markdown | pbcopy
Obsidian Canvas
Provide a list of domains directly to RMM
, Obsidian Canvas requires the content to be in JSON-based
format for it to render (pass the -o obsidian
flag), redirect output into a file and copy the file into your vault.
curl | ./rmm -o obsidian > rmm.canvas
cp rmm.canvas ~/Obsidian/Notes/rmm.canvas
Run inside docker
docker run -v $(pwd)/microsoft.txt:/tmp/microsoft.txt alevsk/rmm:latest -f /tmp/microsoft.txt -o json | jq .
We welcome contributions to RMM! To contribute, please follow these guidelines:
- Fork the repository and create a new branch.
- Make your changes and submit a pull request.
- Ensure that your code adheres to our code style guidelines.
- Write tests for any new functionality you add.
Code of Conduct
We expect all contributors to follow our code of conduct. Please read the file for more information.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or comments about RMM, please contact me at @alevsk.
This software is provided free of charge. If you would like to donate something to me, you can via PayPal. Thank you!