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A collection of data structures & algorithms.PLL-180MHZ-SYSCLK-STM32F446RE
Full throttle! This code configures your PLL to operate at 180 MHZ Clock frequency,PeripheralDriver-STM32-CortexM4
Peripheral drivers developed on top of CMSIS. Some of them are GPIO, SPI, UART, DMA, USB-HID Mouse, USB-HID Keyboard, Timer, ADC etc.Nucleo-freeRTOS-blinky-InterruptBased
Toggling the on-board LED without polling the state of the button continuously/ or simply put: by firing interruptBreadboard-power-SUPPLY-5V
A BB power supply for 5V DC so that the micro-controller doesn't burn up during extra usage. Just connect it with mains supply using an adapter.Walkie-Talkie-using-Arduino-and-NRF24L01
There might be slight noises in between the transmission. Rest works just fine!VIM-editor-tips
A simple document that shares some of the features of the vim editor that I use in day-to-day life. Also, some fancy features.TMP102-STM32F446RE-Nucleo
Short introductory projects based on CAN protocol.STM32F446RE-freeRTOS-TaskNotify-Example-Code
Toggling the LED by notifying the LED via a press of the on-board user buttonBASH-ShellScripts
Some handy shell sccripts that automate your daily + unusual tasksBlinky-STM32F4x-usingDMA-InterruptBased
Toggling the on board LED without constantly polling the processor.MPU6050-ArduinoNano
A set of 4 LED's are being controlled using a MPU-6050 gyro sensorDHT-22-Sensor-HAT-for-RaspberryPi-model-2-3
I created a sensor hat for DHT-22 ssensor tht can be mounted on the RaspberryPi and used accordingly.STM32F446RE-USART-TeraTerm
Sending characters via ST-link to PC using USART2 peripheralHSE-as-SYSCLK-for-STM32F446RE
A simple exercise in which I will use HSE to configure it as the SYSCLK as 8 MHz.Master-slave-ROBOT-using-Arduino-UNO
A simple QT based GUI application that allows the users to play with numbers4x4Keypad-STM32-Nucleo
Source code and connection diagram for interfacing a 4x4 KEYPAD & STM32-Nucleopaddle-game-in-C
A simple paddle game made using SDL library in CfreeRTOS-NUCLEO-TaskDelete-LedAcceleration
Accelerating blinking of an led by deleting higher delay tasks and running tasks with lower delay valuesBlinky-STM32F4x-using-DMA-PollingBased
Here I am using the DMA controller of the MCU to toggle the LED.Peripheral-Driver-for-SPI-bus---STM32F446RE-MCU
A set of 4 LED's are being controlled using a MPU-6050 gyro sensorUART-To-SRAM2-DMATransfer
Sending data from UART2 to SRAM2 using DMA engine of STM32F446RE MCUPeripheral-driver-for-I2C-bus---STM32F446RE
Here I have included the peripheral driver for the I2C bus for the STM32f446re MCU, along witht the MCU specific header file. There are various API's that include Polling as well as Interrupt based.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us