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Python WorkoutsBlur-image-detection-with-Flutter-and-TFLite
Blur image detection with Flutter and TFLiteBuilding-CRUD-API-with-Lambda-FastAPI-and-DynamoDB
Creating a Spotify-style platform where you can upload your favorite songs with Lambda, FastAPI and DynamoDB.Camera-app-with-Qt-and-Opencv
Camera app with Qt and Opencv.CARLA-Simulator
CARLA, açık kaynaklı bir otonom sürüş simülatörüdür.SuperMarioBrosRL
Super Mario Bros training with Ray RLlib DQN algorithmDEncrypt-21
Image encryption and embedding encrypted text in the image.Data-Engineering-Project-with-HDFS-and-Kafka
Data Engineering Project with Hadoop HDFS and KafkaPardus-Lookout
A scout guarding your Pardus 🕵️Mobile-application-development-with-Python
Android and iOSUnix-and-Cloud-Computing
UNIX, Commands, Cloud ComputingGoogle-Colab
What is Google Colab ?, What can we do?.Chest-X-Ray-Images-Pneumonia-Detection
Bulk Email and certificate sending applicationFastAPI-Authentication-with-JWT
FastAPI Authentication with JWT (JSON Web Tokens)Java-Workouts
Java WorkoutsCOVID-19-Detection-Classification
COVID-19 Detection - ClassificationData-Structures
Necmettin Erbakan University - Data Structures (C-C++)YoutubeConverter
YouTube converter with QtStylePY
Neural style transfer project with FlaskAI-Talent-Programme-2
AI Talent Programme 2AhmetFurkanDEMIR
Online Istanbul Applied Data Science 102 Bootcamp (Start : 15 August, Finish : 7 November)Mask-Detection-V1
Mask DetectionMicrosoft-SQL
Necmettin Erbakan University 3nd year Database Systems lecture notes and assignments.C-CPP-Workouts
C - C++ WorkoutsTrendyol-Product-Comments
Reviews of clothing products in Trendyol.OpenCV-for-Android
Opencv Android SDK application for Deep Neural Networks to run on Android.NVIDIA-GPU-benchmark
NVIDIA GPU benchmarkDjango-Web-Framework
Meta Backend Django Web Framework CourseMySQL-and-SQLite-projects-with-Flask
MySQL and SQLite projects with FlaskLSTM-and-RNN
LSTM and RNNVisual-programming-with-Qt
Necmettin Erbakan University - Visual programming with Qt (c++)Amazon-DynamoDB-Building-NoSQL-Database-Driven-Applications
Amazon DynamoDB: Building NoSQL Database-Driven Applications (Coursera)Reflex-game-with-Qt-and-Postgresql
Reflex game with Qt and Postgresql.Racing-Game-With-Computer-Vision
Racing game with computer vision(Keras RetinaNet)Flutter-and-Python-Flask-API
QR code detection application with Flask API and FlutterTrendyol-Smartphone-Price-Prediction
Trendyol Smartphone Price PredictionInfix-to-postfix-and-postfix-evaluation-in-Android
Infix to postfix and postfix evaluation in Kotlin&CppAlgorithms
Necmettin Erbakan University - Algorithms (c++)demirText3
demirText3 Text Editor.Traffic-insurance-pricing-with-Keras
Traffic insurance pricing with KerasAI-Talent-Programme-1
AI Talent ProgrammeDeep-Learning-with-PyTorch-V3
Deep Learning with PyTorch V3 - Artificial Intelligence in HealthDogs-vs-Cats-CNN-V2
Neural Style TransferDogs-vs-Cats-CNN-V1
Dogs vs Cats CNN V1SurveillanceCamera
Want to watch what happens in your home when you are not at home?.Semantic-segmentation-with-U-Net
Semantic segmentation on earthquake data with U-netDEncrypt-21Plus
Save your data in hidden binary file.Create-a-workspace-for-machine-learning
Create a workspace for machine learningMachine-learning-applications-3-Classification
Machine learning applications 3 ClassificationDeep-Learning-9-Keras-tutorial-and-Residual-Networks
Deep Learning(9) - Keras tutorial, Residual Networks, ResNet50Deep-Learning-6-Optimization
Deep Learning(6) - Gradient Descent With Momentum , RMSprop, Adam optimizationArtificial-Neural-Networks-and-CNN
Artificial Neural Networks and CNNIstanbul-through-the-eyes-of-the-computer
Istanbul through the eyes of the computerDeep-Learning-with-PyTorch-V2
Deep Learning with PyTorch V2Machine-learning-applications-1
Machine learning applications-1War-Of-The-Worlds-Artificial-Neural-Networks
War Of The Worlds - Artificial Neural Networks - GGJ2020Face-and-eye-identification-with-Viola-Jones-algorithm
Face and eye identification with Viola-Jones algorithm.Generative-Adversarial-Networks-GAN
Generative Adversarial Networks-GANDEMIR
Computer Engineering and Software EngineeringRecording
Screen and camera recording applicationDeep-Learning-with-PyTorch-V1
Deep Learning with Pytorch V1Machine-learning-applications-2
To visualize what Evolutionary Neural Networks have learned.Deploy-TensorFlow-2-Object-Detection-API-models-with-Python-Flask
Easily deliver models you create with TensorFlow 2 Object Detection API to people.Deep-Learning-1-Logistic-Regression-with-a-Neural-Network
Deep Learning(1) - Logistic Regression with a Neural Network, Cats - Non CatsQR-Code-reader-with-Flutter
QR Code reader with FlutterDeep-Learning-11-Art-generation-with-Neural-Style-Transfer
Deep Learning(11) - Art generation with Neural Style TransferDEkonya
DEkonya - Konya Akıllı Şehirler HackhatonuCameraCensorship
With the TensorFlow 2 Object Detection API, unwanted, unethical images are detected and censored in the cameraDeep-Learning-8-Convolutional-Neural-Network
Deep Learning(8) - Convolutional Neural Network, Padding, Strided, FC(Dense)Deep-Learning-10-Object-Detection
Deep Learning(10) - Object detection, YoloDart-Workouts
SQL Server Kafka ExampleRacing-Game-With-Computer-Vision-Datasets
The data set we use for computer vision that provides movement in our game.DatasetOperations Dataset OperationsDeep-Learning-7-TensorFlow
Deep Learning(7) - TensorFlow, SIGNS datasetDeep-Learning-4-Regularization
Deep Learning(4) - RegularizationDeep-Learning-2-Deep-Neural-Network-Application
Deep Learning(2) - forward propagation, back propagation, parameter update, training.Deep-Learning-5-Gradient-Checking
Deep Learning(5) - Gradient CheckingIntroduction-to-Machine-Learning
What is machine learning? What is a model and how to build it?REST-API-with-Redis-and-Spring-Boot
REST API with Redis and Spring BootNumpy
import numpy as npDeep-Learning-12-Face-Recognition
Deep Learning(12) - Face RecognitionDeep-Learning-3-Initialization
Deep Learning(3) - InitializationDeep-Learning-with-PyTorch-V4
Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch-V4 - Initialization Covid19Fundamentals-of-Accelerated-Data-Science-with-RAPIDS
Boyner Case StudyOneLinkTR
Don't miss the opportunity to combine multiple links in one link!. With this application developed by the SoftForRange team, keep both your links and your customers together.TekTik
Helpful application for immigrants that I wrote for the Teknofest team.MicroprocessorsHomework
Microprocessors homeworkdataengineering-youtube-project
Data Engineering Youtube ProjectFlink-Example
Flink ExampleFundamentals-of-Accelerated-Computing-with-CUDA-C-C
Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++ with NVIDIAComputer-Graphics
Necmettin Erbakan University computer graphics lecture notes.HepsiTrendTech
The website of the application written in Django.CoinWebsite
Website for an Imaginary Coin.HepsiTrendTech-APIs
Email verification, Model predict and User operations APIs.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us