My solutions for the June Piscine 2021.
Please open an issue on github if you find anything incorrect.
If you have any tips I would like to hear, any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.
Don't Copy, Learn.
1-Login with exam / exam at the login screen
2-Open a terminal and type kinit username and your password after the prompt
3-Type examshell in a terminal to begin
1-Don't forget to clean up, comment, remove your testing code execs, and libraries prior to submission
2-Don't forget to push your code regularly in the rendu/ directory to vogsphere before typing grademe and y in the examshell terminal
3-Read through all of the subjects and examples again before final submission
1- You should Learn Functions Loops Condition Arrays Strings before exam 00
2- You should Learn argc & argv & malloc and free before exam01/exam02
3- You Should Learn Makefile Library Header Pointers-Functions before final exam
You need 25 points to validate any exam
You need 50 points to validate the days except rushes and bsq and C09 and C10 which it need 100%
-don't waste your time on shell01 project, you must learn language C and work on C00 and C01, because the exam is on c Language.
-validate Shell01 on weekend and work on this rush because is so easy.
-it's better to validate C06 before C05, because the exam01 is on argc & argv.
-Dont waste your time on rush01, it's better to work on your days and prepare for exam on weekends and know your mistakes that you made on the previous exams.
-try to improve your code skills and your algorithms.
-don't waste your time on rush02 and BSQ and C10, it's better to validate the previous days with 100% and prepare for the final exam.
for more tips: https://www.42.us.org/top-21-tips-surviving-42-piscine-basic-training/
Table of Content
Projects | Solutions |
Shell00 | 100% |
Shell01 | 100% |
C00 | 100% |
C01 | 100% |
C02 | 100% |
C03 | 100% |
C04 | 100% |
C05 | 80% |
C06 | 100% |
C07 | 100% |
C08 | 100% |
C09 | 100% |
C10 | not rated |
C11 | 100% |
C12 | not rated |
C13 | not rated |
Exam01 | solution |
Exam00 | solution |
Exam02 | solution |
Exam03 | solution |
Rush01 | |
Rush00 | 120% |
Rush02 | |
Enjoy coding and GOOD LUCK in your piscine.