Write React components in Elmkaizen-design-system
Culture Amp's Kaizen Design System 🌱elm-css-modules-loader
Reference CSS modules in Elm source files with Webpackkestrel
Kotlin Framework for running event-sourced servicesstencil-elm-output-target
Plugin for Stencil ( to output a proxy module to consume web components with type safety in Elmevent_framework
The Culture Amp Ruby Event Framework ❤️local-saml-idp
Hard fork of mcguinness/saml-idp; a local SAML Identity Provider (IdP) library to test SAML 2.0 Service Providers (SPs).aws-assume-role-buildkite-plugin
Buildkite plugin to assume IAM role before running commandcultureamp-style-guide
Culture Amp’s Component Library and Living Style Guidevisual-testing-api
This is a serverless REST Api that stores images and does image comparison. It uses Looks Same algo to compare the imagesca-go
A Go library with multiple packages to be shared by services.browser-testing
Tool to do browser automationelm-storybook
⚠️ Experimental Elm/Storybook toolingparameter-store-exec
Execute a command with environment loaded from AWS Parameter Stores3dotenv
Command wrapper to load environment variables from S3glamplify
Go Amplify Module of useful common tools (eg. logging, config, etc)ecr-scan-results-buildkite-plugin
Buildkite plugin to retrieve ECR scan resultshomebrew-web-team-devtools
A collection of helper scripts for system and application setupweb-team-scripts-to-rule-them-all
Boilerplate scripts fulfilling the normalized script patternrich-text-toolkit
Deprecated: moved to kaizen-design-systemdanger-systems-github-action
A set of generic plugins for Kafka Connect that complement the built-in transformations, config providers, and connectors.cultureamp-front-end-scripts
Kanso: Build scripts for Culture Amp front end projectssplunk-ruby
Ruby gem for logging to splunk conforming to sensible defaultselm-css-modules-plugin
Stand-alone babel plugin powering elm-css-modules-loadernearest-color-shade
JavaScript utility to identify the brand color and tint (white added) or shade (black added) of a CSS color valuepoetry-codeartifact-auth
Skips git checkout in a Buildkite step.datadog-cdk
CDK constructs for DataDog Cloudformation Resource Types.devbox-extras
Plugins for internal use at Culture Ampelm-upgrade-shims
Culture Amp's Elm 0.18-to-0.19 API shims 🌈aws-nquire
Tools to interact with AWS APIs to discover resourcesweb-team-dotfiles
Culture Amp web team dotfilesgostudy
A basic Kafka Connect HTTP Sink Connector written in Kotlinchangelog-github
Changelog generator based on @atlassian/changelog-github 🦋deploy-templates-buildkite-plugin
A public custom buildkite plugin to handle the deployment configurationbabel-elm-assets-plugin
A babel plugin that allows you to turn some Elm code into `require()` statements so you can use webpack assetscultureamp-front-end-example
Example project of a separate Culture Amp front endstep-templates-buildkite-plugin
A Buildkite plugin that allows steps to be injected into the pipeline based on a common template.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us