Discover Switzerland's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Switzerland.
RISC-V Instruction Set ManualHappyCerberus/book-cpp-algorithms
The Standard Algorithms in C++.dcetin/eth-cs-notes
Lecture notes and cheatsheets for Master's in Computer Science at ETH Zurichdfeich/org-babel-examples
Examples using emacs org mode babel inline source code with different backend languagesdeselaers/latex-beamerposter
The LaTeX beamerposter packageraphink/geneve_1564
LaTeX facsimile of a Bible de Genève, 1564oetiker/lshort
The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeXDivadNojnarg/outstanding-shiny-ui
Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny CRC Press book online versiondcetin/Simple-CV
A minimalistic CV template with BibLaTeX supportalptheexplorer/epflLectureNotes
My lecture notes for all semesters spent studying CS at EPFL. Enjoy the read and feel free to approach me for corrections.raphink/CV
My CV in both LaTeX & web/ajax formatshabi/latex
Some LaTeX code snippets I've hacked together over the years.FrancescoSaverioZuppichini/Reinforcement-Learning-Cheat-Sheet
Reinforcement Learning Cheat Sheetolivia-ai/the-math-behind-a-neural-network
Mathematics paper recapitulating the calculus behind a neural network and its back propagationHexHive/thesis_template
Template for EPFL (BSc, MSc, or doctoral) theses and semester projectscansik/kotlin-latex-listing
A syntax highlighting template for the Kotlin language in LaTeX listings.tuxu/ethz-thesis
LaTeX template for a PhD thesis at ETH Zurichglederrey/EPFL_thesis_template
Unofficial template for the PhD thesis at EPFL maintained by PolyDocseverinlandolt/latex-thesis-template
A LaTeX template for humans.ymerkli/eth-summaries
Summaries and study materials I've written over the course of my studies at ETH Zurichriscv/docs-dev-guide
Documentation developer guideraphink/moderntimeline
A timeline package for moderncvJovvik/M3137year2019
Конспекты М3*37 2019 годаvterron/sed-hackers
My talk to first-year Computer Science students [Spanish]jaspervdj/talks
Slides & demos for talks I doraphink/coloredlettrine
EB Lettrinegannimo/MalDiv
Malware diversityalgmyr/e-maxx-eng-book
Book version of e-maxx-engswissictedu/ipa-template
Vorlage passend für die Applikationsentwickler IPA im Kanton Zürichchrisby/prometheusCV
The non-template for academic CVs in latexppletscher/beamerthemezurich
A blue beamer thememichiwieland/hsr-zusammenfassungen
Eine Sammlung an Zusammenfassungen/Cheatsheets, welche ich im Laufe meines Informatik Studiums an der HSR geschrieben habe.janfaessler/FHNW-Informatik-Zusammenfassungen
Hier sind alle möglichen Zusammenfassungen aus dem Informatik Bachelor Studium an der FHNW Brugg/Windischbenelot/eth-machine-learning-summary
We cherry-pick the most understandable explanations and definitions into one summary to summarize the content of the lecture about Machine Learning of Prof. Joachim Buhmann.roflmaostc/Fast-Approximate-Energy-Minimization-via-Graph-Cuts
Minimize Energy in Images.philipphoman/org-mode-poster
Scientific poster written entirely in org-modeRoald87/xelatex-cv-roald
XeLaTeX CV templatelars-quaedvlieg/Reinforcement-Learning-Book
I have created a small book summarizing concepts from the Reinforcement Learning part of the ATML 2015 course at UCL (
Resources to various talks given by 200ok team members at various locations.rhwilr/markdown-documentation-template
The Boot and Runtime Services (BRS) specification provides the software requirements for system vendors and Operating System Vendors (OSVs) to interoperate with one another by providing expectations for the Operating System (OS) to utilize in acts of device discovery, system management, and other rich operations provided in this specification.klmr/thesis
My PhD thesis, “Investigating the link between tRNA and mRNA abundance in mammals”bernhard2202/twitter-sentiment-analysis
Twitter Sentiment Analysis with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and LSTMs in TensorFlow.errikos/dithesis
Thesis class for undergraduate theses at the University of Athenswesternmagic/rust-in-hpc
Documents related to talks I gave or will giveAndreasFMueller/AutoSpr
Skript zur Vorlesung Automaten und Sprachen an der OSTchrmatt/algpseudocodex
LaTeX package for typesetting pseudocode.slithy/rpg_module
rpg-module: a LaTeX class for typesetting RPG adventure modules in the style of D&D modules from the 1980sGraphicsPrinciples/
Landing page for the graphics principles sitecasper-network/highway
This repo holds the work area and revisions of the RISC-V AP-TEEI specification. This specification defines the programming interfaces (ABI) to support a scalable confidential compute architecture for RISC-V application-processor platforms.eth-cs-student-summaries/Introduction-to-Machine-Learning
Summary for Introduction to machine learning at ETH Zürich (2019)suniique/ETHz-AML-2020-Notes
My lecture notes for Advance Machine Learning 2020 at ETH Zurich.jriou/wcov
Pattern of early human-to-human transmission of Wuhan 2019-nCoVmdemierre/hesso-latextemplate-thesis
HES-SO//Master MSE thesis templateleviathanch/libresiliconprocess
Personal notes on CUDA programmingumatter/datahandling
D-NTM paper repolucach/frontespizio-unimib
Un documento LaTeX minimale per realizzare il frontespizio di una tesi DISCO@UniMiBeregon/virtual-machines-research-graph
A Virtual Machine Research Overview as a Graphbunnech/phd_thesis
PhD Thesisdhil/inf-thesis-latex-cls
A LaTeX Class for Informatics theses at The University of Edinburghdhil/phd-dissertation
A summary of my activities during the past four yearseeditiones/workshop
«Stay Home Learn TEI Publisher From Scratch» Online Workshophabi/PhD-Thesis
My PhD-Thesis, copied from the virtual SVN-server I installed at the Institute of Anatomy of the University of Bern in Switzerland and migrated to git.micoloretan/selnolig
All files associated with the lualatex package "selnolig"matteocourthoud/cv-latex-template
My personal template for a one-page cv in latexgc3-uzh-ch/beamer-theme-gc3
The GC3 theme for LaTeX/Beamer slides.matteodelucchi/ZHAW_thesis-template
LaTeX thesis template for ZHAW, Zurich University of Applied Sciences.benelot/eth-intro-to-neuroinformatics-summary
Summary of the ETH INI Introduction to Neuroinformatics course.matteocourthoud/Phd-Econometrics
Graduate Econometrics course notes with code in JuliaShirakumo/markless
A text markup standard focusing on being intuitive and fast to parse.salmanmaq/academic-cv-template
CV to use for PhD position applicationsraphink/Augeas-book
Augeas bookAccio/AMIDD
Introduction to Applied Mathematics and Informatics in Drug Discovery (AMIDD)0xjac/master-thesis
Written report for my master thesissebastianzillessen/KCLInformaticsMScProjectLayout
Unofficial layout in LaTex for King's College London MSc Projectschili-epfl/paper-poster-presentation-template
A LaTeX template pack for ieeetran, sigchi, acm-sig-alternate, llncs2e, baposter, nccr-poster and beamerantenore/solarcv
SolarCV is a CV template, written in LaTeX, based on Adrien Friggeri CV, slighty modified to use Ethan Schoonover Solarized color palette.andbloch/eth-dl-cheat-sheet
Cheat sheet for the "Deep Learning" course at ETH ZürichIzaakWN/CodeSnippets
Collection of code snippets to experiment with or reuse, etc.Fourmilab/hackers_diet_online
This repository is the development environment and change log of the Web-based tools that accompany “The Hacker's Diet” book, available for free from Fourmilab. This is a Web application, implemented as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) program written in the Perl language which provides logging of weight, charting and analysis of trends, planning diets, monitoring exercise progress, and balancing calorie intake with weight maintenance goals.Arakniode/almighty-handbook-of-sleep-deprived-student
Studentencursus Lineaire Algebrannedkov/tum-thesis-latex
Quantum Computing Cheat Sheetcpitclaudel/dBoost
Around applying the VDF construcrtion based on isogenies between super-signular elliptic curvesumatter/BigData
Course repository: Big Data Data Analytics (SEPS-HSG, UNILU)openhsr/LaTeX-Workshop
Documentation for the OpenHSR introductory LaTeX workshopneherlab/CoV_Seasonality
Model coronavirus seasonality and explore consequences for nCoV dynamicsAndreasFMueller/WrStat
Skript zur Vorlesung Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistikmsplr/cvx-optimal-spacecraft-landing
Optimal Spacecraft Landing. Mini project for CS-454: Convex Optimization and Applications at EPFLmarkrobinsonuzh/cytofWorkflow
Slides for the talk I have very soonpatrickbucher/docs
Documents on various topics, mostly ITTobiasRoth/BDAEcology
Bayesian Data Analysis in Ecology with R, BUGS, and Stanriscv-admin/uarch-side-channels
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