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我的 SICP 解题集evilbinary/scheme-lib
鸭库 duck lib scheme for gui gles gl slib openal socket web mongodb box2d game glfw mysql libevent libuv uv json http client server android osx linux chezscheme scheme-libevilbinary/duck-editor
Scheme language serverPerry961002/SICP
🎨What I have stored is the reading notes of SICP and the solutions of the exercises after class.🎨SICP(计算机程序的构造和解释) 的学习笔记,习题解答kerncai/saltstack
a compiler from a subset of Scheme into X64bartuer/ydiff
a language-aware tool for comparing programsevilbinary/duck-compiler
Svelte language support for Panic's Nova Editor.xhcoding/emacs.d
A simple Emacs config on WindowsOyami-Srk/RISCV-GDB-Paging
Paging Debug tool for GDB using pythonbit-ranger/scheme-bootstrap
scheme解释器 / scheme interpreterthzt/scheme-koans
Find identical code blockslinzch3/Open-Course-Learning
📚Learning by taking notes all the time. This is a repo that I will keep updating in my lifetime. Some corresponding data is here :
learning sicpda-liii/dotTeXmacs
My TeXmacs configurationszhyd1997/tls
the little schemerziyangli/the-seasoned-schemer
Here are some code examples and my notes(Chinses version only) of the book``The Seasoned Schemer''.chclock/ChezCore
chez core extensionxlisp/fp-book
对比学习Racket/Clojure/EmacsLisp/CommonLisp, 以及基本算法pengyao/salt-mysql
Scheme and UDF code for Fluentszdiy/eliug
the smart irc bot written with GNU Guile-schemeabsop/ST-Scheme
Scheme syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 4.Yunoinsky/chez-raylib
Raylib binding for Chez Scheme, with an automatic generatorwfnuser/sicp-solutions
My solutions to Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programsyuedongyang/GRASP
Accurate Prediction of Genome-wide RNA Secondary Structure Based on Extreme Gradient Boostingcirfi/sicp-my-solutions
Exercises solutions for Structure and Interpretation of Computer ProgramsXXG-Lab/EoPL
Assignments of EoPL, 3rdhyln9/ikarus
Optimizing incremental native-code compiler for R6RS scheme. This is a forked repository.thzt/scheme-interpreter
学习《Essentials of Programming Language》使用Scheme语言实现了一系列语言特性逐渐丰富的解释器。包括惰性求值、first class continuation、多线程与锁机制、异常处理机制、模块机制、面向对象机制等featureColin-Cai-jin/weiqi
An ancient Chinese game which is played by two men on a board.weartist/zed-rainbow-csv
🌈Rainbow CSV - zed extension: Highlight CSV with different rainbow colors to make them more readableAiyane/scheme-compiler
scheme compilerColin-Cai-jin/scm-stream
This project describes the stream of Scheme, including some functions for creating stream, combinations, permutations, Cartesian product, power set, and etc.Teages/music_game_practice
Classes and objects in Scheme.tumashu/geeguix
Tumashu's guixsd configureLiutos/SICP-solutions
The solutions of SICP exercises written in Schemeperlatex/NCU-R-Workshop
Repository for the R Workshop at Innovation College of North-Chiang Mai Universityhulang1024/Lisp-programs
Lisp programsDesmondoRay/SICP
Structure and Interpretation of Computer ProgramMatheritasiv/pqueue
Priority queue implementation in scheme languageFuGangqiang/road
Lisp/Scheme support for LaTeX listingsCloudFeng/The-litttle-Scheme-Note
This repository contains the book of the little scheme source code and some notes.nanlan2017/lang-scheme
学习Racket(兼容Scheme) 写的数个项目的代码,包含对数本相关书籍的学习。freedom-zjw/Homework-collection
All my homeworkabsop/SchemeMathBench
Scheme benchmark for some mathematical operations.kainwen/misc
Finite set implementation in scheme languageCloneableX/SICP-learning
SCIP demo and exercisescodepiano/exercises
习题,scheme and the art of programmingMatheritasiv/pi
Calculating PI with unlimited precision in scheme languageshixiongfei/scheme48
A Pattern matching macro for (Chez Scheme)ufo5260987423/ufo-match
This package is a dependable match macro library for chez scheme.Matheritasiv/binaries
Arithmetic system of 2-adic numbers in scheme languageYunoinsky/chez-xml
A lite xml parser in Chez Schemejerrychen1990/SICP-Exercise
keep exercisingzhangjinglin/Archlinux
Arch Linux and i3wmColin-Cai-jin/brainfuck
Brainfuck is an Turing-complete programming language made by 8 instructions. This project is a brainfuck interpreter written in Scheme.xiez/SICP-exercises
SICP 习题/笔记szdiy/pi
top secretleilux/SICP-exercises
我的 SICP (Structure And Interpretation Of Computer Programs) 习题解答xieyuheng/ikarus
as a backupYunoinsky/chez-toml
A TOML library for chez schemeAquietzero/SICP
My notes and solutions to the book SICPszdiy/lambdabit
A Scheme implementation for embedded systemlythesia/sicp-sol
self solutions for sicp exercisesxieyuheng/kanren
Backup of old Kanren codedarren/zoj-guile
zoj in schemetiensonqin/my-sicp
my sicp answerssharefantasy/sicp
solution to sicpsniperHW/sicp-ex
My answer of SICP's exercise.Bushtit/Scheme
🎡 Fun little functions with Scheme!kouei/sicp-exercise
Exercise problems for the book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd)"ShredderMing/chez-speedy-queue
Lightweight, optimized queue implementation for ChezScheme, modified from cl-speedy-queueCanftIn/sicp
code snippets of the book《the seasoned schemer》zxc0328/sicp
sicp exercise solutionsjiakai0419/SICP
Learning SICPFocinfi/scheme-practices
Homework for SCIPfrei-x/scheme
Learning scheme...chefmarvin/Learning-SICP
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