Discover Canada's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Canada.
Language Server Protocol server for SWI-Prologalhassy/PrologCheatSheet
Basics of relational programming with Prolog —PROgramming in LOGic ^_^fifth-postulate/julian
Date and time library for Prologoblivia-simplex/plog
A bare-bones blogging system, written in Prologdmkfasi/nus-cpu
This tends to re-create Nintendo 64 schematics and lay out a board suitable for portable versionjamesnvc/vuelog
Prolog Pengines + vue.jsfifth-postulate/functional-geometry-in-prolog
Functional Geometry in Prologjdswalker/Interpreter-in-Prolog
An interpreter capable of executing a simple scripting language from a plain-text filerali-udem/gophi
GOPHI: an AMR-to-English Verbalizerikokkari/AI
Material for the course CCPS 721 Artificial Intelligence, by Ilkka Kokkarinenbennycheung/
Benny Cheung Mind Hack Blogrzach/multlog
M. Ultlog, the genius many-valued logic expertTOTBWF/MLogic
An implementation of a mini-ML written entirely in prologFigBug/scheme
Very limited scheme interpretercalmesam01/Career-Counseling-System
an expert system using artificial intelligence that recommends the user to take courses based on their interests.CharlesJB/rTANDEM
Prolog HTTP/2 Client. Mirror of
Prolog DCG for generating CSSmelissamangos/sudoku
A Prolog program that solves 4x4 Sudoku puzzlessmucclaw/r34_sCASP
Tailwind-Style CSS generator for Prologjdallien/prologblog
The blog application written for prologblog.comMeaxy76/CPCDOS_ISO
Script and files to make a bootable CPCDOS/FreeDOS distributionraceimaztion/expert_sys
A sample medical Expert System for a course.gjoncas/A-Rose-for-Emily
Using constraint logic programming to analyze nonlinear timelines in storiesNacerSebtiMS/JI_UdeS
Développement d'un joueur intelligent en se basant sur une version simplifiée de BlockBlitzraulpy271/challengeMe
🎮 Solving Programming problemscbbrowne/canadiantaxes
Prolog-based tax calculator for Canadian Income Taxesantsam/storify
Prolog Story Generatorilias-karimalis/LinAlgProlog
➗ Prolog Linear Algebra Libraryanhero/BaconBoxApp-OLD
BaconBox Application Projectjordanschalm/mastermind
Mastermind implementation in PrologNacerSebtiMS/Natural-Langage-Processing
French NLP program with prolog, it detects and corrects some gramatical mistakesAdamCollins/PrologCipherCracker
Analog audio shaping toysVishanthSurresh/Natural-Language-Interfaces-to-Domain-Specific-Knowledge-Bases-using-Prolog-and-NLP
Course Project on Natural Language Interfaces to Domain Specific Knowledge Bases using Prolog and NLPluckyeven/prolog
Stock analysis program written in prologklh1324/CPSC-Degree-Check
Prolog implementation of NLP-like queries about country statisticsaitorres/ci3661-prolog
Proyecto de programación lógica en Prolog para la asignatura Laboratorio de Lenguajes de Programación (CI-3661) en la Universidad Simón Bolívarjamesnvc/pluuid
v4 UUIDs in pure PrologFreedom-Jack/aStar-pathFinding
School Project: Solving 8 puzzle problem using A* path finding algorithmGurpreetSinghMatharu/Enabling-Location-Aware-Services-on-Handheld-Devices-Android-using-iBeacons
Enabling Location Aware Services on Handheld Devices (Android) using iBeaconsnicholasfagan/ppl-a1
PPL Assignment 1uiur/learn-prolog
Some examples to get started with list manipulation in Prologqueens-satellite-team/pcbs
PCBs for satellitepiclemx/ift-2003
IFT-2003 - TPJavonDavis/Prolog-Area-Painter
Prolog program to paint areas given colours. With the constraint that no area adjacent to each other will have the same color.Chali-Anne/prolog_practice
Une tonne d'exemples de prolog pour bien comprendre l'inférence.afontaine/CMPUT325
Assignments for CMPUT 325timpel/MealPlanner
Plan your meals the Prolog waygauravnv/Prologue
Nurse scheduler using clpfdjpildush/Artificial-Intelligence
Exploration of `automaton` of the clpfd Prolog librarykaldoran/prolog-game
Checkers game in prologalvesrod/Prolog_Clue_Assistant
Clue assistant developed in Prologmarknsikora/advent2020
Repositório para armazenar os códigos construídos durante o curso de extensão "Aprendendo prolog na prática".taransm/Medical-Diagnosis-Expert-System
Traverse and transform HTML/XML/SGML Documentsbrenotx/prolog
Expert System that guesses a character of Chaves seriessmucclaw/docassemble-l4
Arduino compatible conference badge from Notacon 8. Also used at AthCon 3 in 2012.aid848/Minesweeper
A remake of Minesweeper, written for SWI prolog.jacobfriedman/logtalk-black-scholes-merton
Black-Scholes-Merton Option Pricing ModelDhananjayNarayan/COMP6411-Comparative-Study-of-Programming-Languages
Submitted Assignments for the COMP-6411 course at Concordia University.raulpy271/languages_bot
💬 Um chatbot de recomendação de linguagens de programação em prologgnuvince/IFT2035-TP3
ISO 8601 date & time parsing module for PrologAlexandreBrown/PrologDivision
Division implemented in Prolog with substraction onlyngocpham1994x/COMP3190
🏫 University of Manitoba - Intro to AI (Prolog)jlu5/wikiTrivia
Interactive console trivia game using SWI-Prolog and WikidataThe3Null4Player613310/prolog-cornell-movie-dialogs-corpus
a version of "Cornell Movie-Dialogs Corpus" written in GNU Prolog 1.4.4.chipnetics/xerpro
A small utility to generate a knowledge base and algorithm to use in SWI-Prolog, for optimization of the project schedules (.xer files) output by the scheduling software "Oracle Primavera".nsaftarli/PrologNLP
Learning classical NLP and parsing with Prolog. For CPS721 (Artificial Intelligence 1)madeleinefrancis/PrologMap
First-order logic program to search for bus routes to various Vancouver landmarks.kapoor1992/ExpertSystemShell
Expert system written in SWI-Prolog.rzach/multseq
M. Ultseq, the genius many-valued sequent theorem proverLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us