Discover Australia's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Australia.
Fast and robust Emacs setup.rnkn/olivetti
Emacs minor mode to automatically balance window marginsredguardtoo/find-file-in-project
Quick access to project files in Emacsrnkn/fountain-mode
Emacs major mode for screenwriting in Fountain plain-text markupredguardtoo/evil-nerd-commenter
Comment/uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vimredguardtoo/elpa-mirror
Create local emacs package repository. 15 seconds to install 115 packages.joshwnj/json-mode
Major mode for editing JSON files with emacsredguardtoo/evil-matchit
Vim matchit ported into Emacsspegoraro/org-alert
System notifications of org agenda itemsredguardtoo/cpputils-cmake
Easy real time C++ syntax check and intellisense if you use CMakeredguardtoo/counsel-etags
Fast, energy-saving, and powerful code navigation solutionrnkn/binder
Emacs global minor mode facilitating multi-file writing projectsvava/i3-emacs
i3 emacs integrationredguardtoo/wucuo
Fastest solution to spell check camel case code or plain textalex-hhh/emacs-sql-indent
Syntax based indentation for SQL files inside GNU Emacsajc/nginx-mode
Emacs editing mode for Nginx config filesredguardtoo/eacl
eacl - Emacs auto complete lines by grepping projectcrafterm/twilight-emacs
Twilight Theme for Emacsflexibeast/ebuku
Emacs interface to the buku Web bookmark manager.redguardtoo/vc-msg
Show commit message of current line in Emacsredguardtoo/cliphist
Paste from clipboard manager into EmacsRenWenshan/emacs-lisp-intro-solutions
Solutions to the exercises in the `An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp'redguardtoo/js-comint
js-comint will send the code from Emacs into node.js or rhinoRenWenshan/emacs-moz-controller
Control Firefox from Emacsalexmurray/evil-vimish-fold
Typing game/tutor for Emacs inspired by
Emacs package to create and retrieve bibliography notes with the Citar and Denote packages.ideasman42/emacs-for-vimmers
Introduction Emacs config, for developers used to Vim.pprevos/denote-explore
Helper functions to analyse and visualise a collection of notes created with the Denote package.alexmurray/flycheck-posframe
Show flycheck errors via posframe.elalexmurray/ivy-xref
Ivy interface for xref resultsredguardtoo/company-ctags
Fastest Emacs auto-completion using Company and CtagsEthanlinyf/General-Pure-Emacs
A general platform based on Emacs to facilitate learning, teaching, research and project management.techniumlabs/ecloud
Magit-like porcelain for accessing gcp, azure and awsxeals/emacs-org-dnd
org-mode wrapper for DND-5e-LaTeX-Templatemartinbaillie/evil-motion-trainer
Make Emacs drop lazily repeated "hjkl"-based motions after a configurable thresholdtroyp/asoc.el
Emacs lisp association list (alist) libraryredguardtoo/mybigword
Use Zipf frequency of each word to extract English big wordsgstamp/align-cljlet
Align clojure let forms.fejfighter/eglot-tempel
bridge for tempel templates with egloteastwood/config
Bunch of scripts that keep me productivealexmurray/flycheck-clang-analyzer
Integrate Clang Static Analyzer with flycheck for on-the-fly static analysis in Emacsanonimitoraf/exercism.el
Emacs integration for https://exercism.orgmrc/tla-tools
TLA+ tools for Emacswebsymphony/vivid-theme
Light emacs theme that is easy on eyes.rnkn/freeze-it
Emacs minor-mode to make your previous writing read-onlyredguardtoo/org2nikola
export org into html used by static blog generator like
Concise anonymous functions for Emacs Lispflexibeast/pulseaudio-control
Control PulseAudio volumes from Emacs, via `pactl`.flexibeast/ewmctrl
Use wmctrl to manage desktop windows from Emacseudoxia0/dotfiles
Not guaranteed to work outside of My Machine™zenobht/exotica-theme
Emacs Themeeliascotto/accent
Emacs extension for accent charactersrnkn/side-notes
Easy access to a notes file in Emacsredguardtoo/gmail2bbdb
convert gmail contacts to BBDB file, easy to use, robust, no dependencylukakerr/dotfiles
MacOS dotfiles with an easy installation scriptalexmurray/flycheck-plantuml
Integrate plantuml with flycheck for automatic syntax errors highlighting in Emacsyuhonglin/matlab-mode
An emacs matlab mode based on the project
Hustle through a buffer's Imenu in a side window in GNU Emacsredguardtoo/find-by-pinyin-dired
Find file by first Pinyin characters of Chinese Hanzi. 输入拼音首字母定位对应的中文目录/文件benkolera/spacemacs-hie-nix
Spacemacs layer for using a nix friendly haskell-ide-engine lspmarktriggs/mailindex
A Clojure/Lucene-based mail indexer for use with Gnus and nnir.elmattray/home-directory
Version control for assorted configuration filesredguardtoo/imenu-extra
Add extra items into lsp-mode/js2-mode imenu itemsSorixelle/astro-ts-mode
Emacs major mode for Astro templatesmrc/el-csv
Parse CSV data in elispflexibeast/plisp-mode
PicoLisp support for Emacs.sinewalker/dotspacemacs
Personal Spacemacs configurationfejfighter/toolbox-tramp
tramp support for toolbox containersredguardtoo/dianyou
Search/Analyze mails in Gnusjasonblewis/color-theme-wombat
Vim color theme ported to Emacs.alexmurray/dot_emacs.d
Lightweight syntax checker for Emacs, alternative of `flymake-mode'alex-hhh/emacs-soap-client
Access SOAP web services from GNU Emacs. This package is maintained as part of the GNU Emacs source repositoryredguardtoo/shellcop
Analyze errors reported in Emacs builtin shellalexmurray/flycheck-bashate
cmake-ide as a spacemacs layerdmvianna/emacs.d
emacs configuration using straight.el and use-packagemap7/simple_emacs
Configure emacs using mostly marmalade and keep it as simple but full featured as possible. This is mainly setup for Ruby on Rails developmentliyu1981/metapost-mode-
metapost-mode+.el is an extension to old metapost-mode.el in GNU Emacs.redguardtoo/counsel-bbdb
Quick search&input email from BBDB based on ivyflexibeast/dkl
An ASCII-art representation of a keyboard layout, within an Emacs buffer.AshyIsMe/fzf-spacemacs-layer
fzf layer for spacemacspuffnfresh/crab-emacs
Emacs minor mode to use Emacs as a Crab remote browsing server.redguardtoo/evil-mark-replace
replace string in marked region effectivelyredguardtoo/js2hl
Highlight/rename things using `js2-mode' parsertroyp/evil-visual-replace
Search and replace within Emacs evil-mode's visual blocks (rectangle selections)redguardtoo/shenshou
download subtitles from opensubtitles.orgjoshuar/ephemeral-gentoo-overlay
An Gentoo overlay with a some roguelikes, misc perl modules, icon/cursor/gtk themes and other misc. apps.jarpy/ks-mode
Kerboscript major mode for Emacs.dsturnbull/dotfiles
homedir dotfilesadmiralakber/simplemacs
Simply emacs and a few useful packages so you can get on with it.humanfactors/.emacs.d
A minimalist Windows centric, modern-ish always evolving init.el et al.troyp/ls.el
List processing utilities for Emacs Lispalexmurray/arxml-mode
Emacs mode for editing Adaptive AUTOSAR arxml filessshelagh/lilypond-templates
Set of templates to make lilypond easier to use in emacs. Uses lilypond-modejmibanez/jmi-dotemacs
My configuration for Emacs, except for the simple .emacs driver that loads the rest of it.gstamp/cucumber-goto-step
cucumber-goto-step.el is a simple helper package that navigates from a step in a feature file to the step definition.hugomd/dotfiles
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