Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
Example of Clean Architecture of iOS app using RxSwift
Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
A tool to translate xib and storyboard XML into Swift models.
π A flexible and easy template created to speed up the development of your iOS application based on the MVP pattern.
iOS project template with fastlane lanes, Travis CI jobs and GitHub integrations of Codecov, HoundCI for SwiftLint and Danger
A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
:octocat: PaperOnboarding is a material design UI slider. Swift UI library by @Ramotion
The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures
Swift type modelling the success/failure of arbitrary operations.
Reactive Programming in Swift
Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
A fast, lightweight and flexible Swift syntax highlighter for blogs, tools and fun!
An opinionated starting point for awesome, reusable Swift 5 modules
QuickCheck for Swift
A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line
Swinject extension for automatic dependency injection via Storyboard
Nothing but sugar.