Awesome JavaScript Number & Math

  • bn.js bn.js 1,183
    updated 8 months ago MIT License

    BigNum in pure javascript

  • buffer buffer 1,772
    updated about 2 months ago Other

    The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.

  • updated almost 4 years ago

    A fraction math library in javascript.

  • updated about 1 year ago MIT License

    Fraction is a rational numbers library written in JavaScript

  • jsgif jsgif 1,052
    updated over 1 year ago MIT License

    Save a HTML5 Canvas to GIF and Animations. A port of as3gif GIFPlayer to JS

  • updated almost 2 years ago BSD 2-Clause "Sim...

    Draws simple SVG sequence diagrams from textual representation of the diagram

  • mathjs mathjs 14,297
    updated 7 days ago Apache License 2.0

    An extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js

  • ocrad.js ocrad.js 3,451
    updated about 4 years ago GNU General Publi...

    OCR in Javascript via Emscripten

  • updated over 5 years ago MIT License

    convert between rgb and L*a*b color spaces in javascript

  • updated about 1 year ago

    seeded random number generator for Javascript

  • whammy whammy 992
    updated almost 4 years ago MIT License

    A real time javascript webm encoder based on a canvas hack