Neural networks + Genetic algorithm on unityUnity-Battle-Royale-game-Made-With-Unity
Multiplayer third person shooter made with unityUnity-MMO-Framework
This is a Client/Server architecture based on TCP/UDP Sockets to be used in videogamescv-generator-with-rust
This is a template based cv generator made with rust, comrak, wkhtmltopdf. It converts a json file to a pdf versionDeeplearning-based-Twitch-bot
This is a twitch chatbot based in Llama2 tecnologyUnityTurnBasedCombatSystem
Just a simple Turn Based Combat System for Unity, perfect for a RPGUnityPlantsVsZombiesClone
Just a Plants vs zombies clone made with UnityYoutubers-toolkit
AI Tools for video editingWorms-like-game-made-with-unity
Worms like game made with unity and c#Multi-layer-perceptron
Simple multilayer percepron (Neural network) made with C#Chatbot-seq2seq-C-
Chatbot made with seq2seq learnVtuber-Framework-Unity-and-Python
Unity BodyTracking, Expression analisis, etc. with Deep learningImitation-learning-in-unity
What if we record all the information in a game, and we record the player actions, then we train a neural network with that data? Thats what this is!Awesome-twitter-bot
This is a django based twitter botchatbot-with-voice
Jarvis like chatbot with voiceSimple-RTS-Made-With-Unity
A simple real time strategy game made with unityContra-Like-game-made-with-unity
Sidescroll shooter based in contra made with unityCooklang
A mock programing language made with c#Beat-em-up-made-with-unity
Simple beat em up made with unity and C#Mario-maker-like-game-made-with-unity
Simple level maker made with unity and csharpRidiculus-fishing-clone-made-with-unity
Ridiculus fishing clone made with unityUnity-Arpg-Online
Simple Action Rpg made with unityUnity-twitch-chat-link
Perfect api to connect unity and twitch chat EasyMultipourpuse-third-person-shooter-unity
A multiuse third person shooter made with unityEvolutionary-Neural-Bots-On-Survival-Shooter
Evolutionary Neural Networks on unity for bots Tool exampleUnity-Virtual-pet
A virtual pet project made with UnityUnitySimpleInventorySystem
Just a simple Unity Simple Inventory System for Unity, perfect for a RPGHectorPulido
Who is Hector Pulido? This is him github profile, also a readme generatorThree-Genetics-Algorithm-Using-Unity
Those are three Genetics Algorithm using unityMachine-learning-Framework-Csharp
Simple pytorch-like framework made with CsharpUnity-Rewind-Mechanic
Simple mechanic of rewind time, perfect for games like braidGuia-como-usar-Git
Guia rapida y practica sobre como usar gitAngry-birds-like-game-made-with-UNITY-and-C-
Simple physics game made with Unity and C# based on Angry BirdsVectorized-multilayer-neural-network
A multilayer perceptron that uses Simple Linear Algebra library For CsharpPacman-Online-made-with-unity
This is a pacman online adaptation made with unityrust-pong
Pong-like videogame made with Rust and BevyProcedural-Dungeon-Generation-Algorithm-Unity
Procedural content algorithm in unityUnity-First-Person-Shooter-Online
First person shooter made with Unet and UnityThe-battle-cats-like-game-made-with-unity
The battle cats like game made with unity and C# on TwitchConvolutional-Neural-Network-From-Scratch
A Cnn made with C# without aditional libraries (Except Simple linear Algebra For CSharp)Punch-out-Like-game-made-with-unity
Punch out Like game made with unity and C#Survival-zombie-game-made-with-unity
Survival zombie game made with unityAsteroids-like-game
This is an Asteroids like made with Unity and C#Rc-pro-am-Game-made-with-unity
Rc pro am Game made with unityUnitySimpleMatch3
Just a simple example of a Match in 3 Game made in UnityDraw-In-Unity-3D
Simple algorithm to Draw with physics on Unity 3DSimple_Linear_Algebra
Simple list of functions of matricesmario-level-generator
Discord bot with database postgres connection made with rustFlappyBird
FlappyBird like game made with Unity and C#Game-Like-Pokemon
This is a Pokemon clone made with Unity and C#console-render-system
Ascii render system based in frustumrust-wordle
Console Clone of the popular gameUnity-Floating-Damage-Number
A example of a floating damage number on Unity, Perfect for a RPGUnity-Minesweeper-clone
Simple minesweeper clone made with UnityAwesome-discord-bot
Wolfenstein like game made with the consolehuman-language-toolkit-chatbot
nltk like chatbot in rustOwi-project
This is an ARPG (Action Role-Playing Game) developed in Unity. The game features a combat system, events, dialogues, and more. The artwork for the game was generated using AI.nlu-brain-api
This is an API made with django that uses Snips NLU to understand the user's intent, contains a database to store the user's data and a web server to serve the user's data.Unity-Simple-Tetris-Clone
Just a Tetris clone made with Unityreddit-image-downloader
This is a pong like game made with pythonPortal-Like
Simple portal like mechanic made with unityAmazon-QLDB-Login-Example
Blockchain based tecnology by aws explained with examples.Simple-php-blog
This is a simple php blogangry-birds-vr-unity
This is a binding between a Llama2 LLM and Godot for GamedevPong-Policy-gradients
Reinforcement learning tecnique applied to PONG on unityconsole-rpg-multiplayer-role-game
Twitter clone made with blockchain in python and javascriptEasiest-deep-rl-algorithm-with-pytorch
Easiest way to understand reinforcement learning algorithms using pytorchsigns-dataset-with-pytorch-opencv
This is a image detector made with pytorch, also contains an opencv interface for inferenceMy_First_Proyects_On_Godot
Pong basic game on godot and Godot first game tutorialConways-Game-of-life-in-unity
Conway's game of life made with unityExpenses-tracker
Expenses tracker using Firebase and flask web apprust-blog-with-login
This is a Crud blog made with Rust + Actix + Diesel + HerokuPostgresrotare-clone
Mobile game clone made with UNITYRust-markov-chain-chatbot
Rust chatbot made with markov chainsResume-generator
It's a chatbot made with Python that simulates natural conversation with users. The chatbot is designed to be used in the Discord platform, providing an interactive experience for the users. LLAMA can run in user hardware or in colab.Arithmetic-Parser-made-easy
Simple Arithmetic parser made with C#rust-console-game
This is a simple python blog managerDeep-Learning-Framework-DLF-in-unity
Unity + DLF for reinforcement learningSimple-vectorized-mono-layer-perceptron
A very simple neural network that uses matrixRegex-generation-by-Genetic-algorithms
rust + wasm + javascript + conway's game of lifeParabolic-movement-opencv
Physics simulator with opencvSimple-TwitchBot
Simple twitchbot made with C# and IRCSpace-invaders-like-game
This is a Space invaders made with Unity and C#Unity-Unet-Chat
Simple chat made with Unity and UnetChat-nostalgia
Chat made with angular 6hectorpulido.github.io
My porfolio and blogCalculator-made-with-Xamarin-Forms
Simple aritmetic calculator (with parser inside) made with Xamarin formsUnityAndLLama2
This is a binding between a Llama2 LLM and Unity for GamedevMINECRAFT-like-game-made-with-UNITY
Simple game minecraft based made with unity and C#pdf-creator-wysiwyg
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