Introduction: RSS subscriptions related to cybersecurity, helping to establish personal intelligence sources and daily knowledge base updates.
The update frequency: every 2 months.
File description:
The file adds some sites without rss subscription, but the site content is very good, so list them separately.
The tiny.opml file is a streamlined version of the secure RSS subscription for cyberspace.
The CyberSecurityRSS.xml file is a rich version of cyberspace security RSS subscription, which involves all aspects of cyberspace security.
PS: If you encounter problems with the format of the imported file, you can modify the xml suffix to opml suffix, or modify the opml suffix to xml suffix.
cp CyberSecurityRSS.xml CyberSecurityRSS.opml
cp tiny.opml tiny.xml
Usage 1-Reeder5 (macOS, IOS preferred)
import OMPL into Reeder Subcsriptions -> Import from OMPL
yarr (macOS, Windows, Linux)
Usage 2 -Usage 3 - Leaf
Import the file directly to use it.
Usage 4 - Feedly
Usage 6 - Feeder(Recommended for Android users)
Use the same way as Usage 1
Zr(Recommended for Android users)
Usage 6 -Use the same way as Usage 1
anyant(Web Online)
Usage 7 -Use the same way as Usage 1
If you find a great site, please submit an issue or pr