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  • License
    MIT License
  • Created over 1 year ago
  • Updated about 2 months ago


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Repository Details

Fluttium, the user flow testing tool for Flutter

fluttium logo

ci coverage style: very good analysis License: MIT Powered by Mason

Fluttium, the user flow testing tool for Flutter.

Fluttium Demo


Package Pub
fluttium pub package
fluttium_cli pub package
fluttium_driver pub package
fluttium_interfaces pub package
fluttium_protocol pub package


Action Pub
log_action pub package

Quick Start

# ๐Ÿ“ฆ Install from pub.dev
flutter pub global activate fluttium_cli

# ๐Ÿ–ฅ Create a test flow file
fluttium create my_flow.yaml --desc "My cool flow"

# ๐Ÿงช Run a test flow file
fluttium test your_flow.yaml


View the full documentation here.


The example directory contains example user flows that are written for the example application.

These tests are used for testing of new features and will be kept up to date.


Have you found a bug or have a suggestion of how to enhance Fluttium? Open an issue and we will take a look at it as soon as possible.

Do you want to contribute with a PR? PRs are always welcome, just make sure to create it from the correct branch (main) and follow the checklist which will appear when you open the PR.