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Easily create server-side ui components with spring boot and add interactivity with htmx


Spring ViewComponent allows you to create typesafe, reusable & encapsulated server rendered ui components.

Table of Contents

What’s a ViewComponent?

Think of ViewComponents as an evolution of the presenter pattern, inspired by React.

A ViewComponent is a Spring Bean that defines the context for our Template:

public class SimpleViewComponent {
    public record SimpleView(String helloWorld) implements ViewContext {

    public SimpleView render() {
        return new SimpleView("Hello World");

We define the context by creating a record that implements the ViewContext interface

Next we add the @ViewComponent annotation to a class and define a method that returns the SimpleView record.

// HomeViewComponent.kt
class SimpleViewComponent{
    fun render() = SimpleView("Hello World")

    data class SimpleView(val helloWorld: String) : ViewContext

A ViewComponent always need a corresponding HTML Template. We define the Template in the SimpleViewComponent.[html/jte/kte] in the same package as our ViewComponent class.

We can use Thymeleaf

// SimpleViewComponent.html
<!--/*@thymesVar id="d" type="de.tschuehly.example.thymeleafjava.web.simple.SimpleViewComponent.SimpleView"*/-->
<div th:text="${simpleView.helloWorld()}"></div>

or JTE

// HomeViewComponent.jte
@param de.tschuehly.example.jte.web.simple.SimpleViewComponent.SimpleView simpleView

or KTE

@param simpleView: de.tschuehly.kteviewcomponentexample.web.simple.SimpleViewComponent.SimpleView
    <h2>This is the SimpleViewComponent</h2>

Render a ViewComponent

We can then call the render method in our controller to render the template.

public class SimpleController {
    private final SimpleViewComponent simpleViewComponent;

    public TestController(SimpleViewComponent simpleViewComponent) {
        this.simpleViewComponent = simpleViewComponent;

    ViewContext simple() {
        return simpleViewComponent.render();
// Router.kt
class SimpleController(
    private val simpleViewComponent: SimpleViewComponent,
) {

    fun simpleComponent() = simpleViewComponent.render()


If you want to get started right away you can find examples for all possible language combinations here: Examples

Nesting ViewComponents:

We can nest components by passing a ViewContext as property of our record, if we also have it as parameter of our render method we can easily create layouts:

class LayoutViewComponent {

    private record LayoutView(ViewContext nestedViewComponent) implements ViewContext {

    public ViewContext render(ViewContext nestedViewComponent) {
        return new LayoutView(nestedViewComponent);
class LayoutViewComponent {
    data class LayoutView(val nestedViewComponent: ViewContext) : ViewContext
    fun render(nestedViewComponent: ViewContext) = LayoutView(nestedViewComponent)



In Thymeleaf we render the passed ViewComponent with the view:component="${viewContext}" attribute.

    This is a navbar
<!--/*@thymesVar id="layoutView" type="de.tschuehly.example.thymeleafjava.web.layout.LayoutViewComponent.LayoutView"*/-->
<div view:component="${layoutView.nestedViewComponent()}"></div>
    This is a footer


In JTE/KTE we can just call the LayoutView record directly in an expression:

@param layoutView: de.tschuehly.kteviewcomponentexample.web.layout.LayoutViewComponent.LayoutView
    This is a Navbar
    This is a footer

Local Development

You can enable hot-reloading of the templates in development:


ViewAction: Interactivity with HTMX

With ViewActions you can create interactive ViewComponents based on htmx without having to reload the page.

You define a ViewAction inside your Thymeleaf/JTE template with the view:action attribute.

// ActionViewComponent.html
<!--/*@thymesVar id="actionView" type="de.tschuehly.example.thymeleafjava.web.action.ActionViewComponent.ActionView"*/-->
<script defer src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]"></script>
<button view:action="countUp">Default ViewAction [GET]</button>
<h3 th:text="${actionView.counter()}"></h3>

Here is the corresponding ViewComponent class that has a @GetViewAction annotation on the countUp method.

As you can see the attribute value of the view:action="countUp" correlates to the countUp method in our ViewComponent class.

public class ActionViewComponent {
    Integer counter = 0;

    public record ActionView(Integer counter) implements ActionViewContext {

    public ViewContext render() {
        return new ActionView(counter);

    @GetViewAction(path = "/customPath/countUp")
    public ViewContext countUp() {
        counter += 1;
        return render();
class ActionViewComponent {
    data class ActionView(val counter: Int) : ViewContext

    fun render() = ActionView(counter)

    var counter: Int = 0

    fun countUp(): IViewContext {
        counter += 1
        return render()

Behind the scenes at build time Spring ViewComponent parses the template to htmx attributes using an annotation processor.

The hx-get attribute will create a http get request to the /actionviewcomponent/countup endpoint that is automatically generated.

The /actionviewcomponent/countup endpoint will return the re-rendered ActionViewComponent template.

The hx-target="#actionviewcomponent" attribute will swap the returned HTML to the div with the id="actionviewcomponent" that will wrap the view component.

<div id="actionviewcomponent" style="display: contents;">
  <script defer src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]"></script>
  <h2>ViewAction Get CountUp</h2>
  <button hx-get="/actionviewcomponent/countup" hx-target="#actionviewcomponent">
    Default ViewAction [GET]

You can also pass a custom path as annotation parameter: @PostViewAction("/customPath/addItemAction")

You can use different ViewAction Annotations that map to the corresponding htmx ajax methods:

  • @GetViewAction
  • @PostViewAction
  • @PutViewAction
  • @PatchViewAction
  • @DeleteViewAction


If you are using Maven you need to configure the annotation processor like this:

Annotation Processor Configuration


LATEST_VERSION on Maven Central



Both, Java DSL and Kotlin DSL are supported:


LATEST_VERSION on Maven Central



LATEST_VERSION on Maven Central


Experimental stuff:

Composing pages from components

!!! Currently only supported in Thymeleaf !!!

If you want to compose a page/response from multiple components you can use the ViewContextContainer as response in your controller, this can be used for htmx out of band responses.

class Router(
    private val homeViewComponent: HomeViewComponent,
    private val navigationViewComponent: NavigationViewComponent,
) {

    fun multipleComponent() = ViewContextContainer(

Serverless components - Spring Cloud Function support

Currently only supported in Thymeleaf !!!

If you want to deploy your application on a serverless platform such as AWS Lambda or Azure Functions you can easily do that with the Spring Cloud Function support.

Just add the dependency implementation("org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-function-context") to your build.gradle.kts.

Create a @ViewComponent that implements the functional interface Supplier<ViewContext>. Instead of the render() function we will now override the get method of the Supplier interface.

If you start your application the component should be automatically rendered on http://localhost:8080

class HomeViewComponent(
    private val exampleService: ExampleService,
) : Supplier<ViewContext> {
    override fun get() = ViewContext(
        "helloWorld" toProperty exampleService.getHelloWorld(),
        "coffee" toProperty exampleService.getCoffee()