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  • Rank 303,813 (Top 7 %)
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  • License
    MIT License
  • Created 9 months ago
  • Updated 7 months ago


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Repository Details

The fastest way to share your files on the web, for free

tshare BUILD

The fastest way to share your local files on the web (Windows / Linux / macOS), for free.
Powered by transfer.sh online service.


get tshare ๐Ÿš€

Linux + macOS Windows
curl https://tshare.download | bash curl -L https://tshare.download/windows.zip -o tshare.zip



tshare /path/to/file

keep file online for two days / max 10 downloads

tshare -t 2 -d 10 /path/to/file

encrypt using gpg if installed on your system

tshare -c your-secret-password /path/to/file

save a copy of your mysql db

mysqldump wordpress_db | tshare --stdin -c secret_password -o export.sql 

pre-builds binaries

Windows Unix MacOS.

Binaries are experimental: feedbacks are welcome :)

install with homebrew (Linux, macOS) ๐Ÿบ

If you have homebrew on your MacOS/Linux, you can install tshare using a local formula:

HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install --build-from-source ./tshare.rb

You're done ๐ŸŽ‰

Run tshare -h, star this repository and have fun.

build from source (Linux, macOS, Windows)

If you don't have homebrew, you need a dlang compiler to compile tshare by yourself.

install a dlang compiler

  • Ubuntu: sudo apt install dub ldc libcurl-dev
  • macOS: brew install ldc dub
  • Windows: see below


download an official package here

compile tshare

dub build