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  • Rank 274,331 (Top 6 %)
  • Language Makefile
  • Created almost 7 years ago
  • Updated 8 months ago


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Repository Details

Patch sources and generate files for BusyBox on Android


This repo is the kitchen used to create headers and Makefiles for building BusyBox with the command ndk-build in NDK. Scripts in this repo expect to run on Linux, however the generated code and Makefiles can be used on all NDK supported platforms.

Download Sources

Clone the following repos:

git clone https://git.busybox.net/busybox/
git clone https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selinux.git jni/selinux
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/pcre jni/pcre

Currently, the script supports BusyBox version 1.34.1, please checkout to the correct tags before running scripts


./run.sh patch to apply patches

./run.sh generate to generate required Makefiles and headers


Most files in patches are copied/modified from osm0sis/android-busybox-ndk. Theses patches are required for a fully functioning BusyBox building with NDK + Bionic libc.

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